Layers functionality + shortcuts

Issue #78 new
Stephan Koppel created an issue

Need to add functionality to fast hiding all layes except selected.

You can add shortcut like: 1) pressing shift with left button will select chosen layers

2) pressing alt+shift will select layers but hide every other non selected layers

3)and in addition pressing only alt after selecting all layers will disable all non selected layers

4) alt+i (alt+l+i l- for layer)will invert layers (make hidden to be visible and hide current layers)

5) shortcut for fast layer workflow. While editing scene we could press shift+1,2,3 etc and this will activate layers 1- first layer ,2-secontd etc. Also: ctrl+shift+1,2,3 will make wisible selected layer numbers for example: shift+ctrl+1+5 will make wisible first and fifth layer.

6) move selected to layer (dublicate from my last request) we can press m and popup window will give us ability to move selected object to layers.

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