Bitcoin payout percentage is wrong

Issue #13 resolved
Former user created an issue

It says I am at 146% of minimum payout for Bitcoin but I'm not. 0.002 is minimum payout.

Comments (3)

  1. James Dimitrov repo owner

    Ah..It's because I am using the auto payout threshold and not the manual payout threshold

  2. James Dimitrov repo owner

    nevermind. According to the page for BTC, the min payout is .001.

    Page must not be updated (or the API is wrong)

    { getpoolinfo: { version: "1.0.0", runtime: 2.3670196533203, data: { currency: "BTC", coinname: "Bitcoin", cointarget: "600", coindiffchangetarget: 2016, stratumport: "20491", payout_system: "pplns", confirmations: 16, min_ap_threshold: 0.001, max_ap_threshold: 5000000, reward_type: "block", reward: 50, txfee: 0.0003, txfee_manual: 0.0003, txfee_auto: 0.0003, fees: 0.9 } } }

  3. mizled

    Yeah I just noticed that. MPH must have changed the minimum auto-payout amount for BTC. The on demand cash out is now 0.0023 however.

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