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Issue #194 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello there. I keep getting this error after I input the zpool payout address. Do you know why this is happening?

Comments (9)

  1. Mallinea

    Im the Anonymous above.

    Okay seemed to get it working. I still have a problem tho.. Its like when Im mining on zpool.ca it wont show the earnings estimate fromt there. Miningpoolhub works like a charm. Know the cause of that?

  2. Neon89

    I get the same thing after putting in my zpool address. I can no longer login using my Google account or I'll get this error. How can we get back in to remove the zpool address or how to work around this? For now I'm using my Reddit login and left zpool blank.

  3. Mallinea

    The issue is happening when you are putting in an address which is not BTC. Put in your BTC and it works :) Still not getting the data correctly from zpool, but thats another matter

  4. Neon89

    It was about a week ago I put it all in so I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I used this same BTC address for zpool, ahashpool, and hashrefinery: 1NFJXFqWoc9qVaEfcQ8FpK85PBLbeZ7xed

    I used a different BTC address for nicehash.

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