Zpool, no option to change "c,=BTC"

Issue #212 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi there,

I am running MPHStats miner, when I run the zPool .bat there is no option to change the currency passthrough for changing currency type.

Current Issue: c=BTC hardcoded somewhere? Fix: I should be able to set c=LTC to be paid out in LTC

Copied example from testing:

Bin\Lyra2RE2-NVIDIA\ccminer.exe -a lyra2v2 -o stratum+tcp://lyra2v2.mine.zpool.ca:4533 -u WALLETADDRESS -p Miner-PC,c=BTC

Comments (5)

  1. James Dimitrov repo owner

    you just set it as the password:

    Bin\Lyra2RE2-NVIDIA\ccminer.exe -a lyra2v2 -o stratum+tcp://lyra2v2.mine.zpool.ca:4533 -u WALLETADDRESS -p Miner-PC,c=LTC

  2. Ignignort

    Sorry, where would this then go in "Start-Zpool.bat" ?

    set "command=& .\multipoolminer.ps1 -wallet WALLETADDRESS -username Ignignort -workername Miner-PC -region US -currency ltc,aud,btc -type nvidia -poolname zpool -algorithm decred,equihash,groestl,lbry,lyra2re2,neoscrypt,sib,skunk -donate 24 -watchdog -switchingprevention 2"

  3. James Dimitrov repo owner

    Sorry, had to do a little digging to find it:

    You need to edit the pool file used in the /pools folder.

    For zpool (zpool.ps1), it is on line 61:

    Pass = "$WorkerName,c=BTC" Change it to:

    Pass = "$WorkerName,c=LTC"

  4. Ignignort

    Thanks! I didn't think to look in there, I had a run through the main powershell file :) Showing correctly in zPool. Well done.Capture.PNG

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