Graphs based on currently visible coins

Issue #33 on hold
Former user created an issue

My graphs page results seems to be dependent on only the coins that currently have any value. IE, if all the zcash is exchanged to my auto-exchange coin, then the zcash value by day is removed from the daily graph.

Comments (4)

  1. James Dimitrov repo owner

    Yes, this is an issue with MPH. Once the balance is 0 that coin no longer exists in your wallet and the API stops reporting on it.

  2. CFLLC

    Hi JaymZZZ. This API issue (no report of historical data if current balance of coin = 0) is related to a lot of issues for the accuracy and usability of the system. Has there been any reach-out for getting that changed in the API? I would not want to spam them with many requests for the same thing from users.

  3. James Dimitrov repo owner

    I reached out to the MPH guy and be basically sent me an email saying "I'm making a page soon. I like your ideas, I'll use them" in literally three short sentences. I guess the answer is maybe? :)

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