Coloration of Wallet Stats when using AutoExchange

Issue #41 resolved
CFLLC created an issue

The other bugs on this were marked as Resolved-- but it still behaves oddly.

No matter what values I put in for red/orange/green (and I've tried everything, including inverting their thresholds), all of my autoexchange coins will show as red across the board. The target exchange coin will show as green no matter how high/low its payout is. This coloring serves to easily see what the payout coin is, but that is all. It seems to completely be disregarding the thresholds in AutoExchange mode.


Comments (6)

  1. James Dimitrov repo owner

    The red/orange/green is only for the text color name of the coin and is to indicate which non-autoexchange coins can be pulled. Anything that is autoexchanged has the coloring ignored intentionally since the coin is technically disabled

  2. CFLLC reporter

    Oh so the color is the name of the coin like the lowercase "litecoin" string, and not for the background fill color of the boxes? That explains it...

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