Payout Last 24 Hours

Issue #55 resolved
AndyBlue created an issue

I saw that this was already mentioned and marked as Resolved. I am logged in but my 24 hour total is adding my LTC that I am using to auto exchange.

In another thread it was said that it should automatically not include, but it is.

Comments (10)

  1. AndyBlue reporter

    I am not sure if something was just messed up on the MPH side? I will give it a day or so, to see if it changes. But the 1 hour average comes nowhere close to the actual 24 hour total.

  2. AndyBlue reporter

    Yes I dont have any auto-exchange now, and my stats are correct now, with LTC not being added...

    If I was to now change my exchange to LTC my 24 hour profit would skyrocket

  3. AndyBlue reporter

    I am going to convert all the coin that I have now. I will send you another ss after it posts

  4. AndyBlue reporter

    This has been resolved! I did't have autoexchange coin set in settings. Maybe add a note somewhere to make it clear. I thought it was used to actually set the autoexchnage coin on MHP. not to tell stats which coin was being used.

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