Wallet stats only shows the coins and conversion rates when logged in

Issue #61 on hold
Former user created an issue

The table only show the first 2 columns. The stats at the top (Last 24 Hours, Hourly..) work fine.

It works okey when logged out but you lose the ability to set an autoconversion coin and the 24H earnings are doubled.

Comments (9)

  1. James Dimitrov repo owner

    Can you check in your settings, under view settings, whether or not all of the checkboxes to hide the columns are checked? That was a feature that was added recently that could be causing this

  2. Charaf Errachidi

    Oh sorry I didn't mention it. I hadn't touched that tab before, but I did verify after I was aware of the feature and tried changing things around hoping they'd appear again but no luck.

    I even tried hiding the conversion rates column but it stayed visible.

  3. Charaf Errachidi


    Did you change something just now ? I think the checkbox values are inverted (see the screenshots)

    I tried deselecting "confirmed" column and then I find it's become the only visible one.

  4. Charaf Errachidi

    Omg this confused the hell out of me...

    I was thinking that "checked" = "visible", but they were actually for hiding..

    But still why were they all hidden by default for me ? I'm sure I hadn't touched that tab before. I was signed up on the site before it was introduced.

  5. James Dimitrov repo owner

    At one point there was a bug where if you clicked "check all" on all the coins, it would update all the columns to checked as well. My guess is that you probably saves your settings at that time. I'll improve the wording in the settings to make that less confusing

  6. Charaf Errachidi

    Thank you very much. The work you do is great.

    Maybe later you'll have to make a new domain name MiningStats.com because it's becoming quite universal :)

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