Allow variable leader skill multiplier

Issue #11 resolved
Wes Chao created an issue

Right now the multiplier can't be modified by the user, which is fine for static leader skills like Lu Bu, but it makes the tool less useful for other leaders like Pandora where you often want to know if you can get away with triggering the lower version in order to conserve orbs (Norns too, for dungeons with pre-emptives, and combo gods that have escalating multipliers based on combos).

Ideally the tool would figure it out based on the combos you input, but if that's hard, having a field where you can select the leader skill multiplier and making that field default to what it's currently set to would be a great first step.

This is similar to issue #4:, and I should also echo MagneticSpark's comments -- thanks so much for creating and maintaining this tool, I find it fantastically useful and refer to it on a regular basis!

Comments (6)

  1. Jean-Paul Cato repo owner

    Exact solution taken, yeah. Having it calculate conditional leader skills based on input would be great, but is probably not happening anytime soon.

    I'm glad it's useful, though!

  2. Wes Chao reporter

    What's the right status for something that's fixed but not yet deployed? I'm picking "on hold", just to have something to differentiate things that need working on from things that are already fixed.

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