Feature: special account alias

Issue #29 new
Former user created an issue

Allow users to create a special account alias. This special alias starts with the @ symbol - followed by the account ID.

So @4343434343434 for example.

This alias can also only be registered by the account mentioned in the alias; 4343434343434 - and by no one else.

This allows the alias to be used as a repository of user information. In practice, clients will allow users to place an avatar image URL, website URL and other personal information in there, but that is of no concern to the server. All that is required is that the server only allows this special alias to be created by the account that is in the alias.

Comments (2)

  1. NxtChg

    Where will all that info be stored?

    It would be nice to have some kind of extended alias, not only with URI, so this info is standardized and kept in the blockchain.

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