Improve security of weak passphrases by implementing PBKDF2

Issue #30 new
NxtChg created an issue

Users often pick low-entropy passphrases, because they are used to regular passwords.

And then their account gets hacked with something that looks like offline bruteforcing.

So instead of doing


we should do something like PBKDF2 to improve security.

Comments (2)

  1. Jean-Luc Picard repo owner

    Whatever gets done in the javascript client has to be supported in other clients too, so that when the js client is dropped users have a way to migrate. So only if PBKDF2 becomes standard in at least a few alternative clients, and if we still maintain the js client at that time, then it would make sense to also add PBKDF2 to the js client.

  2. NxtChg reporter

    No argument there.

    I will continue nagging client devs to agree on some sort of standard for this.

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