-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Release 0.9.7 https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/nxt-client-0.9.7.zip sha256: 350d85b51649660a2a9af0c1569c753b149ed6c914db1b9c1d8e8947d256268c Change log: Added parseTransaction API, which takes transactionBytes and returns the JSON representation of the transaction, including a "verify" boolean whether the signature verified correctly. Note that the interpretation and validation of the bytes is dependent on the current last block height - if it is before or after NQT_BLOCK. To avoid becoming dependent on a few centrally controlled public nodes, all known peers are now regularly saved in the database. When created from scratch, the database is seeded with 200-300 public peers hardcoded in the DbVersion code. After that, any time the node fetches new peers from the network, it will also save them to the peer table, and delete those that are blacklisted or unreachable at their announced address. This feature is optional, and the nxt.savePeers parameter can be set to false in nxt.properties, for those who don't want to leave any trace on their hard drive regarding which peers their node has been connecting to, to prevent possible network correlation attacks. The nxt.wellKnownPeers and nxt.testnetPeers parameters are still used, with those peers always added to the database on startup. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJTUZIHAAoJEFOhyXc7+e2AvngP/0pS0UUMpCwUt2NFPFfexJYR 9iAccbnlOKzJPwiuhJK+8oTRu6O8t3eu2fH4GgeNTjQz3ZUc8dxa7u6HG/QxcKX8 vCwDPx0m3jLfCo1/HB4nXiNsojW9efBjfiOJUMIfT5FK8ubbMkJgR1FgbSCB3Ta1 0zc1W/k5pZZHvWwRRAgyK27axzckkkXqbIOzzOjEQBa9cy852Xp1RMJv5vG4LHZg bFduRtAeTZ4qM9pguHNGAK2/JK/dj5nEag70fhTiI6lIju5DQm56VOrQSc69com+ 0/oeo4JCeTV/+f275zhvW4PL5fVg0m9dlE5AQdCzIA6WN+OtjlUiy7MdcJ3G4o0G Q7y6jRROlsvR3VFP74MIRkY8sThyDGJ0zwI6MRwA7PUBXNo2Mfp+6RevceHxWf19 GDMBpREx6yv0t5wYFlkskrgFjt5LHM2GN3Bbn0Zn7RqXGzlhKfbTRh0Q6Vzt3/E7 x0kP7wHP6tTvYhFn+b4BGOJUBJtdt5A4sb//ZJQZosSabntyygrzjBvbJNp04RBx yugjVGrgLJlSBRMO0cGjryAHYkzbBM5fgKwvt/8nHI020lfYsSnXp/Q1f5LtcSgK 5AwEIaClKh2CT5X0G7cqQLFYSh9jhs2ikwsNwuyf7Eo4zMEno1y8MW3waBb2lRdg +AJkoXrXJ7KvLGRKraYs =f0r8 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----