-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Release 1.0.1 https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/nxt-client-1.0.1.zip sha256: 67c20124d1433cab20ab328a21e5b1a2fb7e05bdc606f081e5ff405048e74262 Change log: Added getAssetsByIssuer API to get all assets issued by an account. Added getAskOrders and getBidOrders API calls, returning the full JSON objects. Added BlockchainProcessor.getLastBlockchainFeederHeight(), to help determine blockchain download status. Note that this is present only when the current feeder peer also supports it, i.e. starting from this release. Added BlockchainProcessor.isScanning() to check for re-scan in progress. Added getBlockchainStatus API containing the above status, it is more efficient to use this instead of the getState API. Enhanced DebugTrace to log lease begin and end events, and lessor guaranteed balances for each block, in nxt-trace.csv file. Added server-side support for Reed-Solomon encoding of account numbers, thanks to ChuckOne who converted the javascript version to java. All API calls that accept account numbers can now recognize either account id's or Reed-Solomon addresses. JSON data responses that contain account numbers now also have them in Reed-Solomon format too. Added Crypto.getPrivateKey() and Crypto.curve() methods. Added the Bouncy Castle library, to be used for AES encryption instead of the limited strength default implementation. Added Account.getForgedBalanceNQT() to keep track of total forging fees earned by each account, available as forgedBalanceNQT in getBalance and getAccount. Increased default database query lock timeout to 10 s, nxt.dbDefaultLockTimeout in nxt-default.properties. Re-check unconfirmed pool for double-spending transaction after each block push. Support for IPv6 connections, patch provided by ScripterRon. Updated jetty to version 9.1.5. Make sure first to delete the old jetty jar files from lib if just unpacking this release on top of an older installation. Client Updates: Built-in Reed Solomon support. Not enabled by default yet. Go to settings to change. Added user warning when amount NXT or fee NXT are higher than maximum specified in settings. Added forged balance to dashboard. Asset exchange is now searchable. Blockchain download progress uses new API. Show (unconfirmed) transaction immediately on dashboard after form submit. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJTbS0wAAoJEFOhyXc7+e2A6gUQANIZXdr2wGKsZlhSAk+gltey z1nayYuHSYq1B5jjjb+KCuDMUjQx3da3zZO34xExcnKaQAQfeGAowocKtK5tylAF KKhqjRmj+dKtCxb8L9wGIYOr5xIfZaKQH/J1xDFrr1FxAJ16zErybCdKqGHUBRDv IUtjX1/I+CzZJkBMndyxlDnrJMbrg1timjhwmTsgYBOG3DYbrAf2aVL8dlKInkyI j0y9jncJZsXDePJv1q0vbLT0guiqmqAo9uvDSWPw+iuI7yU292ZA4Wpb8T35vxgV dEwlq+qrF5eMGbRryg/Z0JmMyyTq++wF7l6tZQ9+Wlt8OQSICXpNXEfESw8m0ULI rUTzFClXbhrAIoEzs+smvrvha8Ew5w0cYB3GI7rZtzCN9ABznhMIxt1ICB+26/LE KPUcDRL+Aq+fSELKpkj2RsqzmZOhc6FIlg9GmwLOFmzpDkzoBBJjJrHnKeLUBPtf UauWIgWGHTTMXbJejXGifp/Fnl/tnDWFRXCDkimWjw3018tDtYWtMjaTrPZhdqcf a9nfT2GBzatvfkdK0V4loqkz2s8abg19aR7XFcGMM//N/Wu1Z/Uv2D8oE5yX79Zj D56QgcAPutotZbnKbEsedyWgWMiJkYWapjHR3qFdgLGFvRkFhM6vYz9gSPjSgrvk HKEDZoWa8Kl5XfIa4pyt =ogyd -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----