-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Release 1.1.4 https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/nxt-client-1.1.4.zip sha256: 526eece2bbb3ddfbcfb5c6dcd76228b88e27f1b54ce2ffd31913a954397d1e7f nxt-client-1.1.4.zip Change log: Aliases http API cleanup. There are only two API requests to get aliases now: getAlias parameters: either "aliasName" (the alias name) or "alias" (the alias id) returns: full Alias JSON getAliases parameters: "timestamp" (optional timestamp) and "account" (the account id, required) returns: list of aliases (full JSON) owned by the account, optionally filtered by timestamp The old getAliasId, getAliasIds, getAliasURI and listAccountAliases have been removed as they are redundant and the new requests return all necessary info. assignAlias has been renamed to setAlias, with "aliasName" and "aliasURI" parameters. Removed getAssetsByName API. The getAssetsByIssuer API now accepts a multivalued "account" parameter and returns a list of lists of assets issued by those accounts. Use the slf4j logging framework. Thanks to ScripterRon for adapting our Logger to use slf4j! The logging can now be configured in conf/logging.properties, see conf/logging-default.properties for possible parameters and their defaults and create a new conf/logging.properties file with any custom settings if needed. Minor DebugTrace improvements - log Arbitrary Messages events, sender and recipient, and generated block ids. Improvements in transaction validation and rescan logic. Client updates: No longer shows full list of assets. You must now add assets manually via either the asset ID or account issuer ID. Instant asset bookmark search (no enter needed). -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJTe8tbAAoJEFOhyXc7+e2AU5wP/AmsuuZiqzrlX74Rps2hD7nh JdhxBglxKzpniQCOmfSeIk/wFBUV/Xf4ZcgxdnIEla4UH1C6eyXGBMB7sQLGNNdZ 6IBxD9wcYjat6YzsUHsCNShsHF6raAmUpwFdQvPf6vXcKods/rnSioDUjPJXDtP7 zDpyTXyIIVE3tJeK++52eVaAt1hfwI5CsNI1BCcgpMIFTc/iV5IaHpLll07shlF0 TyfnN+JRwLpF4aXzf86b76ky7xkvFWB6vvgjf0b6B+Zw7rRuFrjXDVNPNDag5NN1 L7pqVwQtLOUw+I26CRk7JBPmZFSm0aeYVLF6bzviO1l8XdQNq3mH6IJnR+fN1u/z LhEIGYvCTmXIFpLYKID3WDbY9WIjgv0MDt5oFnOLMhcidGWk0M0QTFNuLBH0KOBw WZXb274AJiw38Op8gTcgObcrfsSZwXS4gXcMyXtr4JGNmvF7pP2pg19n5pf6+Zpi 6+uhcYnqttTok6ue6bAuFV3SWtj4T0UGriIOKP2FbXup4nCyC2L3txVyTt6zlyVZ 6X+G+GbN7LlPMXQq6M80eaFjnrVp0aUadjhIBWWX35HTV40/QAiAwQvZ982/IugO AW3d4HhjHafYvT3PT/lfYwbNjZPEu9HUofWZerfDdPya9hgY5h6Dmn3riCVt3C6Q Oq9y0DaCYWXIHw4xOfWS =8SL4 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----