-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Release 1.10.0e https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/nxt-client-1.10.0e.zip sha256: 16c4b5cb78d56b2aa881e7807c9f0b1e43028db51c4230fc915352810424b112 nxt-client-1.10.0e.zip https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/nxt-client-1.10.0e.sh sha256: 8e2ef269321964b93d591e49537d226076203383fc53041b8ad4fe65fd3373a9 nxt-client-1.10.0e.sh https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/nxt-client-1.10.0e.exe https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/nxt-installer-1.10.0e.dmg The exe, dmg, and sh packages must have a digital signature by "Stichting NXT". Change log: This is an experimental release introducing the new light client and roaming client features. The roaming client feature, enabled by default, makes the client immediately usable by forwarding API requests that need the full blockchain to a randomly chosen peer (remote node), selected to provide the openAPI service. As all html and javascript files are still served locally and not from the remote host, this is considerably safer than just using a remote node. Outgoing transactions are also signed locally, never sending the secret phrase to the remote peer. This roaming client (API Proxy) mode is used automatically while the blockchain is still downloading, with a switch to full client mode once the download is complete. It can be disabled by setting nxt.enableAPIProxy=false in nxt.properties. For openAPI nodes, the API proxy remains disabled, ignoring this setting. For light clients, the API proxy is always enabled. The light client feature, disabled by default, makes the node run in roaming mode permanently, without downloading the blockchain at all. It can be enabled by setting nxt.isLightClient=true. Light clients are not advertised as providing openAPI service even if they do have their API publicly accessible. The remote node to use when in roaming and light client modes is selected randomly, but can be changed manually in the UI, or using the new setAPIProxyPeer API, or forced to a specific peer using the nxt.forceAPIProxyServerURL property. Remote nodes can be blacklisted from the UI, or using the blacklistAPIProxyPeer API. This blacklisting is independent from peer blacklisting. The API proxy blacklisting period can be set using the nxt.apiProxyBlacklistingPeriod property (default 1800000 milliseconds). API requests that require sending the secret phrase, shared key, or admin password to the server, for features like forging, shuffling, or running a funding monitor, are disabled when in roaming or light client mode. While a remote node cannot steal your secret phrase, and data returned by such nodes is escaped to prevent javascript injection attacks, users must be aware that the validity of such data cannot be verified. For example, a rogue remote node can still return fake asset exchange recent trades or open orders prices, or modified voting system poll options and descriptions. To force using a remote node for testing APIs, the /test-proxy URL can be used instead of /test for the API test page, i.e. http://localhost:7876/test-proxy. A new sendTransaction API has been added, similar to broadcastTransaction but without validating the transaction, without re-broadcasting the transaction and without adding it locally as unconfirmed transaction. This API is mostly useful for light or roaming clients that cannot validate or accept locally unconfirmed transactions, but must nevertheless be able to send such to peers. A new getNextBlockGenerators API has been added, returning the next block generators ordered by hit time. The list of currently active forgers is first initialized using the block generators with at least 2 blocks generated within the previous 10,000 blocks, excluding accounts without a public key. The list is updated as new blocks are processed. The results are not 100% correct since previously active generators may no longer be running and new generators won't be known until they generate a block. Added a peer info modal. Minor other UI improvements and bugfixes. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJXnaMzAAoJENqvaxkWiP4Z+vAQANLINMttlv0KjkyEn0bKJoAl nHqBIT2D56zCmVZNLZQwjzQyAFbZeOesCuYobOJl2IKySAI0bBA6rqjNrVXjonEh DyYCzMXNY5Bm0FKnGqddhC+5tmCAXhYhW4Z/f15boLmflPeUUoPuHtepPrYUMVdy iQM2pNArPLhBVi0Uq4/D9WdkNNg1+pMdMXVRpB7jGMYHqmA8e3IvHkgKriDqIeas drnzHfZ5K04/jYkMmNHK7AsVDrBOLm4yX5qrdzwL7bBgd5ajMllWq6KK5YquqtdI oKWY2dbYLsTG4lrCc1oBYgKy8uYtesbMgWzlH1d37BDt/EdHHcvHIySB1h7leviY DFhBnirPeB3tNPrNmLKBFHzD104jlN05d4F6ZFO6szkkgVFHnkPQGexiwAIOs3IQ rPqxUCSbnPpOISMdkJc4Ng1DmE3brbQk82PueoeMHU3PA6SoA+EB/F943cj8Q7zx GzdktPsstJRheXNIypAVp8M68pjJ1UaSG1m1s5/5nrQVg7pyJOgTFQJqi3MO2yCD LEgdA5cLgpYyASVYQtSoT6ld+Id1BDEs9nmxC3t1fhRa4kW4dx7wYdAWLNdpF+6n u1OBkGWuoGtVaMk400Ji2emjMRIrZ3egfAMrOm2RPuFJEJloZi1CRd6PNIdPkheh 7rB9ajKqt/faEzyFGNE4 =sfZT -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----