-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Release 1.5.2e https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/nxt-client-1.5.2e.zip sha256: 464e8d6433ed6cc0051e039d60b914b2cd5ec44477a8841571ef4edd313fc3f1 nxt-client-1.5.2e.zip This is a development release for testing only. Source code is not provided. Change log: This is an experimental release. It is a required update for all testnet nodes, but is also possible to run on main net. Added getAllPrunableMessages API, returning all currently available prunable messages in reverse block timestamp order. Added verifyPrunableMessage API, which can be used to verify that a prunable message obtained from another node (a service provider) matches the hash found in the blockchain, i.e. has not been tampered with. Show maxPrunableLifetime setting in getState and getBlockchainStatus. Show current number of prunable messages in getState. Changing the nxt.maxPrunableLifetime property now also affects existing prunable messages (next time pruning is run), as transaction timestamps instead of expiration timestamps are now used. Reverted DGS goods delivery maximum size to 10 kbytes, same as in 1.4. For goods of a larger size, a prunable encrypted message should be included in the delivery instead. Removed core restriction on 28 byte minimum prunable message length, this will be checked by the client UI only. Added nxt.includeExpiredPrunables property, to be able to force to still include the prunable parts in the returned transaction JSON, even if expired, as long as they are still available. Can be used to force an archival node to always return those, thus allowing another archival node that feeds from it to also get all of them. Limit the number of unconfirmed transactions that can be brought in memory to nxt.maxUnconfirmedTransactions, no limit by default. If set, transactions with lowest fee/size ratio are dropped from the unconfirmed pool first. The ordering is same as the one used when selecting which transactions to include in a new block. Added requeueUnconfirmedTransactions debug API. Added support for uncompressed non-prunable encrypted messages and encrypted to self messages, as a new appendix version, to avoid the need to specify the compression status as a request parameter when reading them. Added setLogging API, to allow changing log levels without having to restart the server. Added eventRegister and eventWait APIs, to be used for registering listeners and waiting for server events instead of polling. Changed the parameters accepted by broadcastTransaction. The prunable parts must be submitted either in the transactionJSON, or, if using transactionBytes, in a new prunableAttachmentJSON parameter, which has the same format as the transaction attachment json. The prunableAttachmentJSON is also returned by the signTransaction and getTransactionBytes APIs now. Added support for prunable plain and encrypted messages in the client UI. Added optional buyer parameter to getDGSGoodsPurchases API. Voting system UI improvements and bugfixes. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJVLsMrAAoJEFOhyXc7+e2AOWAQAOi7yY1vO+7ipOLi82G97Iqb E6u2VL6xWQ8mSVgm0BV8aPc1WkDH4kDXKewG6Ka5FPh3bpEMJqeCdz5L/aqLsKGc +OhfHZv0lYNihx/TMSPKX39/kn0L1USFdNGkFDG4kjKf9b/9q/QckA5IJ6LKqu0B 0QmQZ2snb0rVAM+EzhynzJwim5QSsiQX9J9d9DhZ47cicSGLj2vuFMsBdBVNn6tG ldNMKr+QOfAOHQSWbPmUPs6MUCefA7ubpkPD6R1ZKI+b9FEDNcnkZWpMVWDZZijH ou5TTjnowzrMzyuK5JYWG92vep/sKKQ7n6JgfQecqaqKNvbWj8RGVc+hfG8nWmWx wpDpl+Qdo90VBw/+/jrdiCD3GySNlpbsrVwco2PCPpZCWYghrGm8uLbFdKYf8VBs NMQ4KZEpyCE/Ndqzdvk0IVKxnU6gHn4EPmJtJBJE2EPMUncQLIsQ8LhisyLGuASW yt4PbdNEY5XkdwJgySPxBnghhhdxRxXvrp0CtJdRiT0Q2kyv8O2r17yVLr5LpPqj GtEA9lIhKXnUcTZ2tYeCOdn5mM9t7SumBys4ouyHPDAaupdTvHklcnaUXkHSWJoM UGlzst0hdQ/yN3GAyV0ZSTtjyq++Oof7S0L9S3v7sxLJU6zraQwD4H9pEav4CGl6 H8VEh1ZxYSmgVEuIz5IY =aGAE -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----