-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Release 1.9.0e https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/nxt-client-1.9.0e.zip sha256: 2d59806b1467c46b47c71d18c3696552001fc7068b1624bd2acbc916bc87486e nxt-client-1.9.0e.zip https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/nxt-client-1.9.0e.sh sha256: 81c9a7233cf2584356e7dd84338dc199887999fcbfbf89bdaada15b19b5dfc34 nxt-client-1.9.0e.sh https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/nxt-client-1.9.0e.exe https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/nxt-installer-1.9.0e.dmg The exe, dmg, and sh packages must have a digital signature by "Stichting NXT". Change log: This is an experimental release. It is a required update for all testnet nodes, optional for main net. This release enables taking multiple snapshots of accounts NXT balances, every 60 blocks, for a period of 90 days, and distributing an ARDR token based on the average of those balances, at the end of the snapshot, to be used for the Ardor consensus chain token distribution in Nxt 2.0. On testnet, the snapshot will start at block 649400 and end at block 779000 (June 24). On mainnet, the snapshot will start at block 870400 (expected July 14) and end at block 1000000 (Oct 12). Since on testnet the starting block is in the past, on upgrade to this release a blockchain rescan will be performed automatically in order to calculate past account balances. Those who delay upgrading their mainnet nodes until after block 870400 will also experience such a rescan. However, the hard fork block is set at the end of the snapshot, so the final deadline for upgrading to 1.9 is at blocks 779000 and 1000000 respectively. To get your ARDR tokens, it is essential that you keep your NXT balance in your own account. There is no need to run a node or forge. It is the confirmed NXT balance that is used for the snapshot, not the unconfirmed (available) balance, so having some NXT locked in open AE bid orders, shufflings, etc, will not affect your ARDR distribution. For balances on exchange accounts, it will be up to each exchange to handle the re-distribution of the ARDR tokens that will get automatically sent to the exchange account at snapshot end. A new getFxtQuantity API has been added, which allows retrieving the already accumulated ARDR quantity for each account during the snapshot, and an estimate for the quantity yet to be obtained. While snapshots are done every 60 blocks, the numbers that this API returns are updated once every 720 blocks only. Snapshot balances used for the ARDR distribution for a specific account can be recorded in the log by setting the nxt.logFxtBalance property to that account number, and performing a rescan if the snapshot has already started. Added some additional transaction bytes validation, and phasing parameters validation, to take effect after the hardfork. Added getAssetDividends API, to retrieve the dividend payment history for an asset. It can be viewed in the client by clicking on the new "View Asset Dividends" link on the asset exchange page. Dividend payments made before a node is updated to 1.9.0e will not show in this history, unless a blockchain rescan is forced manually. After the hardfork block, asset dividend payment transactions will be limited to not more than one per asset every 60 blocks. Added a new Messages table in the client UI. Allowed uploading a file as a message attachment, plain or encrypted, and downloading such messages as files. All create transaction APIs that support prunable message attachments now also optionally accept multipart file uploads as messageFile or messageToEncryptFile parameters, or when using client-side encrypted data the data part can also be uploaded using encryptedMessageFile parameter. As the test API page does not support multiple file upload parameters, upload buttons for those are not currently available there. Accept sharedKey parameter in downloadPrunableMessage and getPrunableMessage APIs. Added client UI support for decrypting messages using a shared key, to allow disclosing the shared key for a specific encrypted message to a third party in order to decrypt it without having to reveal the account passphrase. Forging optimization to reduce block skipping when switching forks. Minor other bugfixes and UI improvements. Updated H2 library to version 1.4.192, tika to 1.13, and slf4j to 1.7.21. If installing manually, make sure to delete the old lib folder first. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJXZv7VAAoJENqvaxkWiP4Zr5wQAKw0HrrdACNzuukqljO+pUjI TeQy2QbkZuGOkmT9LNEs3diFpbCIHL1UfFpNDn7rD6Utumu68faP2mnmJv7EZRb5 Wittzjlfvg8hOoJrbqHQX9hpEqkl3BMNL+HMwCvptDAluGUAnIOSaeXW5TISXu1h 7vzeX83Zj7xff2F46xMqZ7jZ+e8T6EgjCVyMfZgVGkHH8oWVBGSRH4wgSQJLn+dV e1ldHrpRwK0/w2Bpvm8pAm2jBixPVK7b3THynxV171SQ3ss2rbM9LGWlUKii7zcu KiAUvqbekg7VsfnF/KezDBOegL0+HyTay289Apt46s1ywsblDJpqzy9c3PONyQLp MIdwuCh3zA52Yj7BVpEANUsc/o/pNHKzpVDLUJ4XvLYJzzZZKyTuXfFxGyy0lnOZ umqHZyMasQY6bZH03OGGElOtjYoOXD2LEl8oqNXYyp9cdqNeaqDw+SJ29Ivo8oJw fUI4z8Pu1AgQrihR8JktkCE0ulqtZTW8q/HOHZI6xSkrFXzoDbNxfPmpj1rp4kEA PHUnbbuoiRvG9joVC3cC9Eq7pPhcWAgjsGsQW5/Wnoy0yAf+dgIZ8NnegrkpA+CJ FHNIP332DEYw2tZNPDhj8xPztMT5ZtsoNl6fchEux4SGL6aJIJ4p2irmcpOr1BMF 33zdwA9CoeKSLn6oCwVh =jEcg -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----