No documentation?

Issue #24 resolved
Mike Hearn created an issue

I've used FontAwesomeFX before (it's triple awesome!) but I distinctly remember there being documentation when I used it before. Now there appears to be none. The Usage/Details section of the README merely links to a set of release announcements, which doesn't detail the actual API.

This seems like a pretty major issue.

Comments (5)

  1. Jens Deters repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Will update the Meanwhile you could have a look at my blog: Also have a look into package de.jensd.fx.glyphs.testapps for coding examples.

  2. Mike Hearn reporter

    Hello! Today I wanted to use FontAwesomeFX again, and once more, discovered that I'd forgotten how to use it and the project itself still has no documentation :( A blog in which I have to work backwards through all your posts is really not an acceptable substitute and it'd only take five minutes to resolve this .... pretty please? :)

  3. Thomas Nield

    Mike! Coincidence we both converged here at the same time. @Jerady Yes please, documentation would be really helpful. I started looking at this today and I'm struggling through the API.

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