Icon resizes on mouse hover when using glyph-size different than 1em

Issue #37 resolved
Mateusz Kumięga created an issue

When using MaterialDesignIconView in FXML with -glyph-size different than 1em it is resized when mouse hovers over it (if it's >1em it gets bigger and if it's <1em it gets smaller).

Example FXML:

                <TabPane side="LEFT" tabClosingPolicy="UNAVAILABLE">
                                <MaterialDesignIconView id="users" />


#users {
    -glyph-name: "ACCOUNT_MULTIPLE";
    -glyph-size: 1.3em;

Comments (4)

  1. Fabian Kasper

    I've encountered something similar. I'm using FontAwesomeIconView as an icon in a TreeView.

    I too style the icon with css. I just create empty FontAwesomeIconView instances and set a styleclass which then sets the -glyph-name and -glyph-size on them.

    When the -glyph-size is bigger than 1em I have the following problem: Whenever I expand or collapse the TreeItem that has the icon attached, the icon gets successively bigger. That happens until the UI is unusable.

    The size-change also happens whenever I select/deselect a row in the TableView (but then it only jumps back and forth "a notch" whenever I select/deselect it).

    It looks like whenever the item is rendered in a new/different TreeCell the -glyph-size is re-applied and the icon grows.


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