How to get FontAwesome 8.12 from maven ?

Issue #43 resolved
kevin caradant created an issue

Hi :),

Today, I tried to get your lib from maven but the last repos available is:


So How can I resolve it ?

Also, the version 8.0.10 allows to use the font in the SceneBuilder and I can't use it with 8.9 version.

Is it possible with 8.12 ?


Comments (2)

  1. kevin caradant reporter

    OK I found it :)

    I Copied/pasted this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <settings xsi:schemaLocation=''
              xmlns='' xmlns:xsi=''>



    And then i import the new fontawesome in maven via this:

  2. kevin caradant reporter

    There is just one thing.

    Is it possible and how use it in SceneBuilder ?

    I don't know what try as name of font. For example, I want the television fontAwesome, how can I do ?

    Or what is the fxml code if it's not possible by passing in the SceneBuilder ?

    thank you

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