Kotlin with fontawesomefx

Issue #47 new
Mauricio Kanada created an issue

this code in Kotlin

data class ButtonInfo(val texto: String, val icon: GlyphIcon<*>)

    val list = listOf(
        ButtonInfo("Cadastro", FontAwesomeIconView(FontAwesomeIcon.ADDRESS_BOOK)),
        ButtonInfo("Corrida", MaterialDesignIconView(MaterialDesignIcon.RUN)),
        ButtonInfo("Classificacao", FontAwesomeIconView(FontAwesomeIcon.LIST)))

    list.forEach {
        it.icon.size = "3em"
        val bt = Button(it.texto, it.icon)
        bt.contentDisplay = ContentDisplay.TOP
        bt.minWidth = 200.0
        root += bt

doesn't compile. The error is:

"Type parameter bound for T in var <T : Enum<T!>!> GlyphIcon<T>.size: String! where T : GlyphIcons! is not satisfied: inferred type CapturedTypeConstructor(*) is not a subtype of GlyphIcons!"

Perhaps, can you simplify the GlyphIcon declaration, so that I can use it with kotlin?

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