Sync artifacts to Maven Central

Issue #69 new
Former user created an issue

I know you switched to Bintray for reasons I can understand. I’m also using Bintray for my FOSS projects. However, it is difficult to explain all new developers who want to join our project that they have to change their settings.xml file. They expect to check out the code, compile and run the application.

Since Bintray makes it fairly easy to sync artifacts to Maven Central, I would kindly ask you to do this, as we’re currently stuck with the old versions of fontawesomefx that is available there.

Thanks for considering and keep up the great work!

Comments (5)

  1. Johan Maasing

    Since Bintray will be shutdown in a month or two (as of writing) it would be nice to see the artifacts in maven central. It will also help when adding them to Gluon SceneBuilder after JCenter has been shutdown.

  2. Ludovic Viegas

    I agree with @Johan Maasing . Bintray is now something of the past. Sad but true (🤘), I guess.

    Please, for the sake of this great project, consider moving to Maven Central. Thx.

  3. Björn Kautler

    What’s the actual point of this issue?
    It was create 2019 and regarding 9.0.0, but the lastest release on Maven Central is 9.1.2 since 2017.
    Or is there an even newer version somewhere else?

  4. Jens Deters repo owner

    Frankly, I have to confess I didn’t spent much love in this project the past 3 years.

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