Peatio wrapper problems while parsing some dates

Issue #1 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

From time to time peatio orders API returns a Date which is not parsed correctly . Unparseable date: "2014-09-03T15: Not critical as the bot continues to run anyway and assigns as a date the current time, the order date is not currently used anywhere.

Comments (5)

  1. Sam Griffiths

    it seems the new exchange is still giving invalid time stamps periodically. will investigate further.

  2. Sam Griffiths

    The returned timestamp did not match the example time stamp in the comments. Too many characters were being removed from the end of the time string, causing it to be invalid

  3. Sam Griffiths

    This has been merged into develop as there has been lots of testing of it on the internal exchange sand no repetition of the issue

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