Fix multi-custodians temporarily

Issue #136 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue


  • For crypto pairs, reset orders every 3 minutes (sync with NTP) , no matter if price changed
  • start counting the 3 minutes when the remote NTP servers clocks an hour
  • if price reading fails, keep order down until the next trigger
  • When new bot comes online, wait the next third minute
  • Do not submit liquidity info on resets
  • make it available as an option while maintaining the old shifts (?)
  • rename and document the testing wait-before-shift option parameter to something more clear

Comments (12)

  1. Desrever Nu reporter

    @bshares and @pennybreaker : In the worst volatility cases, what is the mean time between two wall shifts with the current bots?

  2. Ben Rossi

    @desrever I would need to sift through a lot of data to get you that answer, but if it would be useful, I can work on extracting it.

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