add price trackers of hkd and a php (for remittance on bitspark)

Issue #145 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

"Where we see potential for growth with Nubots and Nubits is in the liquidity for certain markets on the exchange that we will use for remittances. For example, we see potential for a HKD/NBT (Hong Kong Dollar) market and a PHP/NBT market (Philippines peso)- if we can keep spreads low via the Nubot this would be a very efficient way for us to transfer our remittances and value to the Philippines (and later other countries)- buys take place on the HKD/NBT market and sells take place on the PHP/NBT market. Given we will have fiat enabled on the exchange very soon, we will have the HKD market covered and a means for people to deposit HKD. The PHP market is something we are working on and will take a few months unfortunately but we are looking for ways to bring this online quicker. Liquidity is always on our mind and we think Nubits can play a key role here not just with the bots, but also the benefits of 'always a dollar' is very useful for us."

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