Develop a "NuBot Toolkit" for non-operational data reporting

Issue #152 new
Ben Rossi created an issue

Building on the idea behind NuGetLastTrades.jar -- rather than continue to fork these "mini-applications" and then have to maintain a bunch of different code when a change needs to occur -- we can evolve a single application with a number of integrated modules.

Tenatively called, NuBotToolkit.jar, the toolkit would allow a user to access data from the exchanges that NuBot has wrappers written for. Initially, the type of data that could be retrieved would be:


  1. Latency reports between the server running the toolkit and each of the supported exchanges,
  2. Order book depth,
  3. Exchange rate between two currency units at a particular time in the past (using a timestamp, or returning the average if a time range is given; it should be even possible to calculate the exchange rate of "non-standard" pairings, say, PPC/EUR, using NBT's exchange rate at the same time as a intermediary),

Private (requires token/secret):

  1. Trade data (already exists in NuGetLastTrades.jar),
  2. Deposits / withdrawals from account,
  3. Non-order account balances (#148)

Note: This ticket will serve as a table of contents for individual tickets for the work that needs to be done and it is expected that additional details and features will be added to the public and private section as development begins.

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