Bitspark does not appear to take timestamp range parameter in NuGetLastTrades.jar

Issue #158 resolved
Ben Rossi created an issue

Trying to run NuGetLastTrades.jar against Bitspark works fine if there is no range parameter passed to it, but fails when a range parameter is included. Unfortunately this is breaking the reporting tool because there's no way to really work around it, as is.

This works:

java -jar NuGetLastTrades.jar bitspark "TOKEN" "SECRET" nbt_btc

This does not:

java -jar NuGetLastTrades.jar bitspark "TOKEN" "SECRET" nbt_btc 1421616682

If we can also please ensure that the other Exchange wrappers can also take the parameter, I would appreciate it. I know that BTER and CCEDK both work as expected (well, they accept it, but BTER only returns the last 24 hours of trade results -- a BTER problem, not a problem with our side).

Comments (6)

  1. Sam Griffiths
    • changed status to open

    Issue has been fixed. The wrapper was using the parameter but was returning all orders regardless as the startTime unix epoch time is in seconds but the trade unix epoch time is in milliseconds. this led the code to believe that the trade date was always newer than 'starttime' parameter

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