Peatio Wrapper authorization fails from time to time

Issue #2 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

From time-to-time the API calls return a an error :

getCode 2001 getDescription Authorization failed

The bots recovers from these kind of errors gracefully.

Comments (23)

  1. Sam Griffiths

    Would be interested to see if this persists using the new Peatio instance.
    Awaiting verification but will run repeated tests once that happens to verify if this is still an issue.

  2. Desrever Nu reporter
    • changed status to open

    it happened now :(

    SEVERE: ApiError [getCode 5562 getDescription {"error":{"code":2001,"message":"Authorization failed"}}]

  3. Desrever Nu reporter

    I started observing that it tents to happen only when called here :

    Nov 25, 2014 12:44:55 PM com.nubits.nubot.tasks.SendLiquidityinfoTask checkOrders SEVERE: ApiError [getCode 5562 getDescription {"error":{"code":2001,"message":"Authorization failed"}}]

    So there is either something different when we make API calls from within that method in SendLiquidityInfo, or the timing is wrong and overlaps with another call. or both.

  4. Sam Griffiths

    Checking the Peatio Wrapper, there were multiple checks taking place to see that the api response was not null.
    Since updating the JSON parser to use simpleJson instead of Alibaba, we now have a parse exception try/catch block which would cater for a null return.
    I have removed the multiple 'null' checks and would like to run that against the internal exchange to check it's effect.
    If this fails, I would place money on it being a timing issue. I have added the sendliquidityinfo method to a test script and it runs multiple times without issue.

  5. Desrever Nu reporter

    ok, I need one hour then I will be able to merge the big branch I am working on with develop and we can test it there

  6. Benjamin Cordes

    Ok, keys were my error.

    I've added a Unit-Test under branch /2. Added a load test, but works fine. Adding more tests today.

  7. Desrever Nu reporter
    • removed milestone

    Removing milestone: 0.3.2 - Configurable Distribution (automated comment)

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