Local storage

Issue #250 resolved
Benjamin Cordes created an issue

Prices are currently not stored in a systematic manner. Even with a central feeder, it will be better for decentralization if local NuBots hold at least some information about market prices, for example of the past 5 days.

Instead of using a complicated SQL database, the suggestion is to create a simple Database which can store price information. Instead of storing gigabytes of old market data, some data can be kept local, in a simple way.

Comments (6)

  1. Benjamin Cordes reporter

    This applies to all variables really. Would better to have some minimal storage. For example if the bot exits for some reason all datapoints have to re-stored from live feeds. With storage variables can be re-loaded from disk.

  2. Desrever Nu
    • removed milestone

    Removing milestone: 0.4.4 - NuBot toolkit release ( trade history, balance history, price-peg execution bot) (automated comment)

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