Backup feeds for EUR/USD exchange rates

Issue #302 resolved
Ben Rossi created an issue

Only two of the four EUR/USD exchange rate feeds appear to be working.


  • Google-Unofficial
  • Yahoo

Not Working:

  • OpenExchangeRates

SEVERE: Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL:

  • ExchangeRateLab

SEVERE: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL:

Unfortunately, without at least one of those two feeds working it is impossible to run a bot against an NBT/EUR market (three feeds are required for the bot to operate).

Comments (11)

  1. Ben Rossi reporter
    • removed milestone
    • marked as minor

    I had overlooked the bitstampeurusd feed when originally testing. With that and the other two working feeds we have enough to run the bot against a NBT/EUR market.

    It's still important to fix the other two feeds (or deprecate them if they aren't going to work going forward), but no longer critical.

  2. Desrever Nu

    We now have 5 working feeds

    12:16:50.628 [main] INFO  c.n.nubot.testsmanual.TestPriceFeed - Positive response from 5/5 feeds
    12:16:50.628 [main] INFO  c.n.nubot.testsmanual.TestPriceFeed - BitstampEUR:1 EUR = 1.07445 USD
    12:16:50.629 [main] INFO  c.n.nubot.testsmanual.TestPriceFeed - Openexchangerates:1 EUR = 1.07277375 USD
    12:16:50.629 [main] INFO  c.n.nubot.testsmanual.TestPriceFeed - GoogleUnofficialPrice:1 EUR = 1.07274 USD
    12:16:50.629 [main] INFO  c.n.nubot.testsmanual.TestPriceFeed - Exchangeratelab:1 EUR = 1.07413347 USD
    12:16:50.629 [main] INFO  c.n.nubot.testsmanual.TestPriceFeed - yahoo:1 EUR = 1.074 USD
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