Not stopping to wait for remote sync with multiple custodian = true

Issue #355 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

The bot doesn't sync with NTP server when multipleCustodian = true

Comments (7)

  1. Benjamin Cordes

    Fixed with #aa25f5a.

    17:29:51.198    INFO    60  com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask  Starting BotTask 9 interval 180
    17:29:51.199    INFO    63  com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask  Started BotTask priceTriggerTask
    17:30:00.199    INFO    136 com.nubits.nubot.tasks.PriceMonitorTriggerTask  running PriceMonitorTrigger for first time
    17:30:00.201    INFO    153 com.nubits.nubot.tasks.PriceMonitorTriggerTask  Executing task : PriceMonitorTriggerTask
  2. Benjamin Cordes

    second test

    17:33:28.885    INFO    60  com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask  Starting BotTask 152 interval 180
    17:33:28.886    INFO    63  com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask  Started BotTask priceTriggerTask
    17:34:08.803    DEBUG   113 com.nubits.nubot.tasks.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask  Executing task : CheckOrdersTask
    17:34:08.803    WARN    124 com.nubits.nubot.tasks.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask  Liquidity is not being sent : orders are not yet initialized
    17:35:34.152    DEBUG   42  com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckConnectionTask  Checking connection to - Connected : true
    17:36:00.886    INFO    136 com.nubits.nubot.tasks.PriceMonitorTriggerTask  running PriceMonitorTrigger for first time
  3. Desrever Nu reporter

    I see that now it works : this is the line I was looking for that was not pasted in the comments above

    10:42:27.503 c.n.n.s.S.NuBotSecondary 127 INFO - NuBot will start running in 153 seconds, to sync with remote NTP and place walls during next wall shift window.

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