
Issue #359 resolved
Benjamin Cordes created an issue

"can we stop completely that task in 0.2.0 ? if needed we will re introduce it in UI"

The problem the fetcher tasks are supposed to solve:

  • bundle query related tasks in one place. currently whenever some data is needed it is directly queried from the remote resource
  • prepare for stream based system, which also include a more event-driven strategy code

For UI what is needed is able to query the system and get results, without modifying the behaviour. Currently data is related to fetching/triggering it (getOrders => query remote exchange, wait for feedback, set variable).

Comments (14)

  1. Desrever Nu

    Is the task still running in 0.2.0? Since we are not using it and there is no UI, with that out of the way simplify my testing of funcitonalities

  2. Benjamin Cordes reporter

    it's removed for 0.2.0.

    for UI some getData function will be needed, i.e. getting data without changing the nubot (just observing).

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