CCEDK nonce parameter fails from time to time

Issue #4 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue
 {"nonce":"incorrect range `nonce`=`1411925400`, must be from `1411925500` till `1411925500`"}

Quick fix implemented. However, is not perfect and I am waiting for an answer from CCEDK engineers.

I asked :

  • Can I see a piece of code (whatever language) where you compute a valid nonce parameter ? I spent some hours trying to understand your "nonce" parameter. It does not work as I expect a nonce to work. I understood that you consider a valid nonce expressed in seconds, and have a range of valide values that shifts every 100 seconds. Moreover, I noticed that I can use the same "nonce" more than once, which is normally not expected. Right now I worked out a little hack that will work, but I expect to fix this. Currently I first try to send out a request with a WRONG nonce, then read your error message and compute a valid nonce. Not urgently, I would love to have more details on this.*

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