
Issue #410 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

branch develop, I get an exception when launching the bot, probably related to the ongoin work being performed.

09:40:34.423 c.n.n.b.NuBotBase 250 INFO  - Options loaded : {"nudIp":"","mailrecipient":"","executeorders":true,"priceincrement":0.1,"dualside":false,"mainFeed":"btce","apisecret":"hidden","maxbuyordervolume":6.0,"emergencytimeout":60,"submitliquidity":false,"apikey":"DWA3ODXR-44CQK6YQ-G1TZSVGN-R5JUGY3K","multiplecustodians":false,"nubitaddress":"bVcXrdTgrMSg6J2YqsLedCbi6Ubek9eTe5","hipchat":true,"exchangename":"Poloniex","pair":"nbt_btc","verbose":false,"mailnotifications":"SEVERE","keepproceeds":0.0,"emergencyTimeout":60,"nudport":9091,"maxsellordervolume":6.0,"txFee":0.2,"rpcpass":"hidden","wallchangeThreshold":0.05,"rpcuser":"desrever"}
09:40:34.443 c.n.n.u.FrozenBalancesManager 284 INFO  - Updated Froozen Balances file (res/frozen-funds//nbt_btc-Poloniex-frozen.json) : 0 BTC
09:40:34.443 c.n.n.s.S.NuBotSecondary 48 INFO  - Configuring NuBot for Sell-Side strategy
09:40:34.445 c.n.n.s.S.NuBotSecondary 123 INFO  - multiple custodians: false
09:40:34.445 c.n.n.s.S.NuBotSecondary 130 WARN  - NuBot will not try to sync with other bots via remote NTP : 'multiple-custodians' is set to false
09:40:34.445 c.n.n.t.BotTask 60 INFO  - BotTask [priceTriggerTask] will start in 0s, and run it every 61s
09:40:34.457 c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask 135 INFO  - running PriceMonitorTrigger for first time
09:40:34.458 c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask 106 ERROR - error creating null/wall_shifts.csv
09:40:34.459 c.n.n.u.FileSystem 83 ERROR - null/wall_shifts.csv (No such file or directory)
09:40:34.460 c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask 118 ERROR - error creating null/wall_shifts.json
09:40:34.460 c.n.n.u.FileSystem 83 ERROR - null/wall_shifts.json (No such file or directory)
09:40:38.182 c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask 449 INFO  - Price Updated. btce:1 BTC = 244.779 USD
09:40:38.183 c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask 204 INFO  - Computing USD prices with spread 5.0%  : sell @ 1.127
09:40:38.185 c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask 227 INFO  - Converted price (using 1 BTC = 244.779 USD) : sell @ 0.00460415 BTC
09:40:38.185 c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask 189 INFO  - setBuyPricePEG : 0.00397501
09:40:38.185 c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask 180 INFO  - set setSellPricePEG : 0.00460415

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