0.2.0 runtime error

Issue #531 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue
$ java -jar NuBot-custom.jar btcid.json 
10:28:50.892 [main] INFO - defined session path logs/session_1429266530886 [c.n.n.l.MainLaunch:59]
10:28:51.088 [main] INFO - adding shutdown hook [SessionLOG:70]
10:28:51.091 [main] INFO - checking /home/xxxx/.nubot/NuBot_session.txt false [c.n.n.l.MainLaunch:127]
10:28:51.093 [main] INFO - *** session *** starting at 20150417 10:28:51 [c.n.n.l.MainLaunch:84]
10:28:51.128 [main] INFO - Setting up NuBot version : 0.2.0 [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:204]
10:28:51.168 [main] INFO - Session ID = 0.2.0|1429266531168|b1d4b1 [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:76]
10:28:51.172 [main] INFO - Set up SSL certificates [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:117]
10:28:51.174 [main] INFO - installKeystore. trustall: false [c.n.n.u.Utils:382]
10:28:51.176 [main] INFO - Reading keystorefile from : /home/xxxx/nubot-v0.2.0/res/ssl/nubot_keystore.jks [c.n.n.u.Utils:397]
10:28:51.179 [main] INFO - setup Exchange object [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:127]
10:28:51.193 [main] INFO - ##### DBG - name: Bitcoincoid publickey=KJDTIVVL-TDX3SPGJ-VX2VVVK9-WDAPXUUN-GMHOYWQH exchangename = bitcoincoid [c.n.n.e.ExchangeFacade:150]
10:28:51.223 [main] INFO - Swapped pair mode : false [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:163]
10:28:51.227 [main] WARN - The bot detected a 0 TX fee : forcing a priceOffset of 0.1% [if required] [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:181]
10:28:51.259 [main] INFO - setting up tasks [c.n.n.t.TaskManager:81]
10:28:51.286 [main] INFO - Setting up RPC client on [c.n.n.R.NuSetup:34]
10:28:51.301 [main] INFO - Starting task : Check connection with Nud [c.n.n.R.NuSetup:45]
10:28:51.362 [main] INFO - Started BotTask checkNud [c.n.n.t.BotTask:56]
10:28:51.372 [main] INFO - BotTask [checkConnection] will start in 1s, and run it every 127s [c.n.n.t.BotTask:62]
10:28:51.372 [main] INFO - Waiting a for the connectionThreads to detect connection [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:232]
10:28:52.329 [checkNud] WARN - Nu client is locked and will not be able to submit liquidity info.
Use walletpassphrase 9999999 to unlock it [c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:203]
10:28:54.381 [main] ERROR - The bot will not execute the query, there is no connection to BitcoinCoId [c.n.n.t.w.BitcoinCoIDWrapper:521]
10:28:54.382 [main] ERROR - could not query exchange. exchange setup went wrong [ ApiError [3 : No Connection] ] [SessionLOG:80]
10:28:54.385 [Thread-0] INFO - Bot shutting down sequence started. [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:287]
10:28:57.444 [Thread-0] INFO - Stopping all BotTasks. [c.n.n.t.TaskManager:132]
10:28:57.447 [Thread-0] INFO - BotTasks stopped. [c.n.n.t.TaskManager:146]
10:28:57.447 [Thread-0] INFO - Clearing out active orders ... [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:309]
10:28:58.847 [Thread-0] INFO - Order clear request successful [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:316]
10:28:58.849 [Thread-0] INFO - Resetting Liquidity Info before quit [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:329]
10:28:58.909 [Thread-0] INFO - Logs of this session saved in logs/session_1429266530886 [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:349]
10:28:58.913 [Thread-0] INFO - Session terminated. Timestamp 1429266538913 [SessionLOG:81]

config :

"apikey": "xxxxx",
"apisecret": "xxxx",
"txfee": 0.2,

"dualside": true,
"maxsellordervolume" : 100,
"maxbuyordervolume" : 100,
"priceincrement": 0.1,

"nubitaddress": "B5viA2YWcoLBvT8TWJywasQyAT9xkwhmWc",
"nudip": "",
"nudport": 9091,
"rpcpass": "xxx_xxx",
"rpcuser": "xx_xxx",

"wallchangeThreshold": 0.05,
"backupfeeds": ["blockchain", "bitfinex"]

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