on fiat pairs, set priceRefresh interval to 8 hours

Issue #55 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

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Comments (4)

  1. Sam Griffiths

    Every PriceFeed Provider that deals solely with FIAT currencies already has a refreshMinTime of 8 hours. Am i missing something else?

  2. Desrever Nu reporter

    correct. That is an internal protection.

    However the task PriceMonitorTask was going to be executed every 61 seconds, calling the pricefeedmanager and receiving the protection errors several hundred times .

  3. Desrever Nu reporter

    Suggestion for QA:

    To verify the correct functioning of the fix (without waiting 8 hours), you could monitor the checkPriceInterval variable . If that variable is correct, that's all it needs to be tested

    a) add a debug message in TaskManager.java (line 90) to print out the variable checkPriceInterval

    b) execute the bot with a fiat pair (currently only nbt_eur) and see if the checkPriceInterval variable is correctly set to 8 hours (in millisec ) .

    c) execute the bot with a crypto pair (e.g. nbt_btc) and see if the checkPriceInterval variable is correctly set to 61 seconds (in millisec ) .

    d) remove the debug message

  4. Sam Griffiths

    Fiat Pair (NBT_EUR) gives:
    checkPriceInterval = 28320000

    Crypto Pair (NBT_BTC) gives:
    checkPriceInterval = 61

    Crypto Pair (NBT_PPC) gives:
    checkPriceInterval = 61

    Fiat Pair (NBT_USD) gives:
    checkPriceInterval = 61

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