Introduce default options

Issue #578 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (8)

  1. Desrever Nu reporter

    A subset of option should be allowed to be left blank, and the parser shouldn't trigger an error. Instead it should fill the missing option with the default value as defined in

  2. Desrever Nu reporter

    Options that allows a default value :

    • txfee - 0.2 -

    • multiplecustodians - false -

    • executeorders - true -

    • hipchat - true -

    • mailnotifications - "severe" -

    • emergencytimeout - 60 -

    • keepproceeds - 0 -

    • maxsellordervolume - 0 |

    • maxbuyordervolume - 0 |

    • priceincrement - 0.0003 -

    • nudip - "" -

    • submitliquidity - true -

    -verbosity - "normal"

    • nudport -9091

    Options that can be blank if the selected pair allows it (NBT_USD)

    • wallchangeThreshold -

    • spread -

    • mainfeed -

    • backupfeeds |

    Options that can be blank if submitliquidity false

    • nubitaddress -

    • nudip -

    • rpcpass -

    • rpcuser |

    Options that can be blank if mailnotification = none

    • mailrecipient |
  3. Desrever Nu reporter

    the trigger treshold should be taken from streamer

    public final static double TRIGGER_TRESH = 0.01;
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