"ExchangeName" parameter won't accept "Peatio"

Issue #59 resolved
Ben Rossi created an issue

The documentation lists "peatio" as a valid parameter, but the bot only takes "peatio_btccny". Low priority, but when we get the chance we should update the accepted parameter to match the generic name.

Oct 29, 2014 4:00:19 PM com.nubits.nubot.exchanges.Exchange <init>
SEVERE: Nubot doesn't support exchange named : peatio
Oct 29, 2014 4:00:19 PM com.nubits.nubot.exchanges.Exchange listSupportedExchanges
INFO: Accepted values for exchange name :ccex ; btce ; ccedk ; poloniex ; bter ; peatio_btccny ; 
Oct 29, 2014 4:00:19 PM com.nubits.nubot.launch.NuBot$1 run
INFO: Bot shut down

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