bitspark API wrappers

Issue #60 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

They use patio in theory

Comments (8)

  1. Sam Griffiths

    BitSpark wrappers now exist in branch feature/BitSpark. They are a copy of the existing Peatio Wrappers used on the internal exchange with a few edits to point them to bitspark instead. i have tested the base functionality using and they work as expected. Deeper and independent testing will be required though.

  2. Desrever Nu reporter

    Oh, I thought we could reuse the PeatioWrappers and just change the api entry point when constructing the object .

    If you think that bitspark requires its own modification than you took the right approach, otherwise we would see several switches in peatioWrapper

  3. Sam Griffiths

    I thought that it would future proof the wrapper if bitspark ever make modification outside of peatio

  4. Sam Griffiths

    I have tested against bitSpark and am happy with the functionality of this wrapper. Merging into develop ready for full tests

  5. Desrever Nu reporter

    Before closing this issue we should make sure it is integrated into nubot.

    Currently, for example, the bot won't start for bitspark.

    Need to edit the file adding it to supported exchange and also edit the with the admitted valued updated.

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