GUI log textarea loads file

Issue #629 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

I am not sure that the operation from filesystem performed that fast (every 150ms) will scale up with the file size of verbose log file

Comments (4)

  1. Benjamin Cordes

    With 2 MB file the read operation takes less then 1 ms. If we limit file size to 10MB or so then this should never be a problem.

  2. Benjamin Cordes

    Solved, by limiting the string in the LogController. Loading the file only would overload the system at running times of > 60 days (see calculation). We have roughly 0.5MB/hour. After 30 days that's 360MB. So a session of that length might lead to a problem on the frontend. With limiting the size of the string on the server that should be fine. Loading of a file that size takes well below 100msec.

    Additionally I changed the refresh period to 500ms.

    I tried rolling file appender technique, but that does not work nicely. That would mean we have several rotating files, have to check which one is active and so on. Ideally one would have rolling files but at current I think this would not warrant the effort.

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