GUI: the bot state is not correctly set when stop performed via UI

Issue #630 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

Reproduce :

  1. Start UI

  2. Startup Bot

  3. Stop server via IDE

You will observe that despite the stop event is detected, the bot state is not correctly set. In fact, the order/balance managers are not interrupted and keep running.

12:01:29.592 [Thread-2] INFO  - Bot shutting down sequence started. []
12:01:29.593 [Thread-2] INFO  - totalOrdersSubmitted 0 []
12:01:29.593 [Thread-2] INFO  - after 0 hours 0 minutes 46 seconds uptime on bitcoincoid [nbt_btc] []
12:01:29.593 [Thread-2] INFO  - try to shutdown all tasks []
12:01:29.594 [Thread-2] INFO  - Stopping all BotTasks.  [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:148]
12:01:29.594 [Thread-2] DEBUG - Shutting down checkConnection (CheckConnectionTask) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:154]
12:01:29.594 [Thread-2] DEBUG - Stopping checkConnection (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@650e3f7c) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:69]
12:01:29.594 [Thread-2] INFO  - Stopped BotTask checkConnection [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:74]
12:01:29.594 [Thread-2] DEBUG - Shutting down sendLiquidity (SubmitLiquidityinfoTask) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:154]
12:01:29.595 [Thread-2] DEBUG - Stopping sendLiquidity (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@5fcbe6ed) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:69]
12:01:29.595 [Thread-2] INFO  - Stopped BotTask sendLiquidity [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:74]
12:01:29.595 [Thread-2] DEBUG - Shutting down Strategy Fiat Task (StrategyPrimaryPegTask) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:154]
12:01:29.595 [Thread-2] DEBUG - Stopping Strategy Fiat Task (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@442801c4) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:69]
12:01:29.595 [Thread-2] INFO  - Stopped BotTask Strategy Fiat Task [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:74]
12:01:29.596 [Thread-2] DEBUG - Shutting down Strategy Crypto Task (StrategySecondaryPegTask) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:154]
12:01:29.596 [Thread-2] DEBUG - Stopping Strategy Crypto Task (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@7143483b) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:69]
12:01:29.596 [Thread-2] INFO  - Stopped BotTask Strategy Crypto Task [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:74]
12:01:29.596 [Thread-2] DEBUG - Shutting down priceTriggerTask (PriceMonitorTriggerTask) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:154]
12:01:29.596 [Thread-2] DEBUG - Stopping priceTriggerTask (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@65a27cb0) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:69]
12:01:29.596 [Thread-2] INFO  - Stopped BotTask priceTriggerTask [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:74]
12:01:29.597 [Thread-2] INFO  - BotTasks stopped.  [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:162]
12:01:29.597 [Thread-2] INFO  - Clearing out active orders ...  []
12:01:31.953 [qtp759820653-23 - //localhost:4567/balances] DEBUG - getInfo blocked, another call is being processed  []
12:01:31.954 [qtp759820653-23 - //localhost:4567/balances] DEBUG - Retrying for the 1 time. Sleep for 325; Method=getInfo []
12:01:32.280 [qtp759820653-23 - //localhost:4567/balances] DEBUG - Exchange still busy : 1 .Will retry soon; Method=getInfo []
12:01:32.280 [qtp759820653-23 - //localhost:4567/balances] DEBUG - Retrying for the 2 time. Sleep for 679; Method=getInfo []
12:01:32.960 [qtp759820653-23 - //localhost:4567/balances] DEBUG - Exchange still busy : 2 .Will retry soon; Method=getInfo []
12:01:32.961 [qtp759820653-23 - //localhost:4567/balances] DEBUG - Retrying for the 3 time. Sleep for 938; Method=getInfo []
12:01:32.983 [qtp759820653-19 - //localhost:4567/orders] DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... [com.nubits.nubot.strategy.OrderManager:277]
12:01:32.984 [qtp759820653-19 - //localhost:4567/orders] DEBUG - openOrders blocked, another call is being processed  []
12:01:32.984 [qtp759820653-19 - //localhost:4567/orders] DEBUG - Retrying for the 1 time. Sleep for 259; Method=openOrders []
12:01:33.243 [qtp759820653-19 - //localhost:4567/orders] DEBUG - Exchange still busy : 1 .Will retry soon; Method=openOrders []
12:01:33.243 [qtp759820653-19 - //localhost:4567/orders] DEBUG - Retrying for the 2 time. Sleep for 662; Method=openOrders []
12:01:33.900 [qtp759820653-23 - //localhost:4567/balances] DEBUG - Exchange still busy : 3 .Will retry soon; Method=getInfo []
12:01:33.900 [qtp759820653-23 - //localhost:4567/balances] DEBUG - Retrying for the 4 time. Sleep for 1108; Method=getInfo []
12:01:33.906 [qtp759820653-19 - //localhost:4567/orders] DEBUG - Exchange still busy : 2 .Will retry soon; Method=openOrders []
12:01:33.906 [qtp759820653-19 - //localhost:4567/orders] DEBUG - Retrying for the 3 time. Sleep for 810; Method=openOrders []
12:01:34.394 [Thread-2] INFO  - Order clear request successful []
12:01:34.394 [Thread-2] INFO  - Logs of this session saved in logs/session_1430215126086 []
12:01:34.394 [Thread-2] DEBUG - remove session file []
12:01:34.395 [Thread-2] INFO  - ** end of the session ** []
12:01:34.395 [Thread-2] DEBUG - set mode to halted []
12:01:34.395 [Thread-2] DEBUG - set mode to halting []
12:01:34.395 [Thread-2] INFO  - Exit main []
12:01:34.395 [qtp759820653-19 - //localhost:4567/orders] ERROR - java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted [c.n.n.t.w.BitcoinCoIDWrapper:562]

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