Rename log files

Issue #633 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

Also with an eye on #624 , we should adjust which log files are being written

We currently have these files :

  • ui_standard.log
  • ui_verbose.log

these files are present both while running with UI that running without UI. Should we rename them?

in logback.xml they are treated as they were for UI only. Please also update comments like

    <!-- standard output for GUI -->

Comments (12)

  1. Benjamin Cordes

    These files are always there but only read when the GUI is run (i.e. files specific to UI). added more comments. to prohibit the file creation would be complicated, so I'd much rather leave it.

  2. Desrever Nu reporter
    • changed status to open

    The files have not been renamed, at least in LogController

       String logfile = Global.sessionPath + "/ui_standard.log"; //Must be the same as defined in logback.xml files
        String verboselogfile = Global.sessionPath + "/ui_verbose.log"; //Must be the same as defined in logback.xml files

    What I meant is that by running a bot without UI, those are the ONLY .log files present, and confuses me to se a _ui.log file when I didn't ran a UI in a first place

  3. Benjamin Cordes

    I don't know how to not create those files, without changing the use of XML's to something like this (changing a lot about how logging works and requires quite some effort): . I tried that once and concluded it's too much to work to move the entire XML to a method like this.

    The two files are defined in the logback and are created in both cases, but only used via the UI. I suggest using a "." before the name, so that the files are hidden (and not intended to be used by user).

  4. Desrever Nu reporter

    but only used via the UI

    If with "used" you mean "read" then yes. But they are used by non-UI session too, in fact, those are the only .log files the bot produces!

    As in this.issue.title I simply suggest to remove the _ui suffix from the name of the files , nothing fancy!

  5. Benjamin Cordes

    I'm not making myself clear I think.

    There are 4 files created:

    <property scope="context" name="standardfile" value="standard.html" />

    <property scope="context" name="verbosefile" value="verbose.html" />

    <property scope="context" name="UIstandardlogFile" value=".ui_standard.log" />

    <property scope="context" name="UIverboselogFile" value=".ui_verbose.log" />

    The second pair of files are not useful if one runs without UI, because the HTML are intended as the readable logs. So with the current change we hide the ".log" files and the user can read the HTML logs. The second pair is intended only to be used for reading from the UI and displaying on the screen. The first pair is intended to be human readable (e.g. double click open browser with the log, better layout, etc.). Ideally we could just not create the second pair of files when UI is true. now we're hiding the files from the user which is fine as well.

  6. Desrever Nu reporter

    The second pair of files are not useful if one runs without UI

    While HTML are good to read, there are many instances where .log plain text files are preferred : with mac I open .log files with the native osx app and I am able to filter using strings and regex to identify problems. I can also copy/paste snippets from .logs that I wouldn't be able to copy from HTML formatted text.

  7. Benjamin Cordes

    I see - allright then I suggest calling them standard.html and standard.log. so if both files are there the user can see for himself.

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