Shutdown bot as callable or runnable

Issue #641 resolved
Benjamin Cordes created an issue

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Comments (4)

  1. Desrever Nu

    It is already a runnable, at least the Global shutdown ( I changed that yesterday with the "kill" button PR )

  2. Benjamin Cordes reporter

    in NuBotBase there is now a callable for Startup and Shutdown. These calls are then used a futures. Futures have isDone function. This way one can either wait for completion or continue right away. Perhaps a bit cleaner is to have both procedures as runnable.

    class StartupBotProcedure implements Callable<Boolean> {
    class ShutdownBotProcedure implements Callable<Boolean> {
  3. Desrever Nu

    Ok, make sure there are no overlaps/conflicts with com.nubits.nubot.launch.ShutDownProcess

    public class ShutDownProcess implements Runnable {
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