Stop is called twice

Issue #643 resolved
Benjamin Cordes created an issue

some the client issues the stop method twice. While this is partly fixed on the server it would be better to know why this happens

Comments (8)

  1. Desrever Nu

    Should I look for this line ?

    09:50:09.955 INFO 70 c.n.n.w.BotController qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop bot start/stop >> stop
  2. Benjamin Cordes reporter

    can't reproduce anymore ... no idea why. maybe some strange side effect like two open tabs?

  3. Desrever Nu

    I let it run for 5 minutes then stopped : this is my verbose console

    10:53:40.965 [priceTriggerTask] DEBUG - No need to move walls [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.PriceMonitorTriggerTask:495]
    10:53:44.896 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/balances] DEBUG - Fetching balances ... [com.nubits.nubot.strategy.BalanceManager:62]
    10:53:47.323 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] DEBUG - /startstop called [com.nubits.nubot.webui.BotController:57]
    10:53:47.324 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - bot start/stop  >> stop [com.nubits.nubot.webui.BotController:72]
    10:53:47.324 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - try interrupt bot. set halting mode [com.nubits.nubot.webui.BotController:123]
    10:53:47.324 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] DEBUG - set mode to halting []
    10:53:47.325 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - Bot shutting down sequence started. []
    10:53:47.325 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - try to shutdown all tasks []
    10:53:47.325 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - Stopping all BotTasks.  [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:148]
    10:53:47.326 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] DEBUG - Shutting down checkConnection (CheckConnectionTask) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:154]
    10:53:47.326 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] DEBUG - Stopping checkConnection (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@1d15eed7) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:69]
    10:53:47.326 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - Stopped BotTask checkConnection [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:74]
    10:53:47.327 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] DEBUG - Shutting down sendLiquidity (SubmitLiquidityinfoTask) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:154]
    10:53:47.327 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] DEBUG - Stopping sendLiquidity (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@689287b) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:69]
    10:53:47.327 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - Stopped BotTask sendLiquidity [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:74]
    10:53:47.328 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] DEBUG - Shutting down Strategy Fiat Task (StrategyPrimaryPegTask) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:154]
    10:53:47.328 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] DEBUG - Stopping Strategy Fiat Task (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@3f5eb6de) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:69]
    10:53:47.328 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - Stopped BotTask Strategy Fiat Task [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:74]
    10:53:47.329 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] DEBUG - Shutting down Strategy Crypto Task (StrategySecondaryPegTask) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:154]
    10:53:47.329 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] DEBUG - Stopping Strategy Crypto Task (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@36c1d0d5) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:69]
    10:53:47.329 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - Stopped BotTask Strategy Crypto Task [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:74]
    10:53:47.330 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] DEBUG - Shutting down priceTriggerTask (PriceMonitorTriggerTask) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:154]
    10:53:47.330 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] DEBUG - Stopping priceTriggerTask (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@490e38c) [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:69]
    10:53:47.330 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - Stopped BotTask priceTriggerTask [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:74]
    10:53:47.331 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - BotTasks stopped.  [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:162]
    10:53:47.332 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - Clearing out active orders ...  []
    10:53:47.870 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] WARN  - Order 148918566 deleted succesfully [c.n.n.t.w.PoloniexWrapper:468]
    10:53:48.068 [qtp407024636-24 - //localhost:4567/orders] DEBUG - Session Interrupted catch []
    10:53:48.607 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] WARN  - Order 148918612 deleted succesfully [c.n.n.t.w.PoloniexWrapper:468]
    10:53:49.108 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - Order clear request successful []
    10:53:49.108 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - Logs of this session saved in logs/session_1430383816072 []
    10:53:49.108 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] DEBUG - remove session file []
    10:53:49.108 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] DEBUG - set mode to halted []
    10:53:49.109 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - ** end of the session ** []
    10:53:49.109 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - session statistics []
    10:53:49.109 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - totalOrdersSubmitted 2 []
    10:53:49.110 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - after 0 hours 3 minutes 17 seconds uptime on Poloniex [nbt_btc] []
    10:53:49.110 [qtp407024636-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - startup time: 9892 []
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