Fetching orders and non balances?

Issue #645 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

Maybe it is just a logging problem but

0:01:08.927 c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegUtils - Initial walls placed
10:01:09.709 c.n.n.s.OrderManager - Fetching active orders ...
10:01:15.150 c.n.n.s.OrderManager - Fetching active orders ...
10:01:19.903 c.n.n.s.OrderManager - Fetching active orders ...
10:01:25.098 c.n.n.s.OrderManager - Fetching active orders ...
10:01:29.719 c.n.n.s.OrderManager - Fetching active orders ...
10:01:35.163 c.n.n.s.OrderManager - Fetching active orders ...

Comments (7)

  1. Desrever Nu reporter

    I am more in favour of debugging both , and also debug all calls to server routes. We need to find agreement because I am setting debug and you always undo it by setting it to trace from time to time

  2. Desrever Nu reporter

    restored DEBUG level for fetching Balances and the routes in ConfigController.

    The only route with a trace level should be the dumplogs.

    We need to know exactly what is going on when something goes wrong and a custodians send us the verbose logs.

  3. Benjamin Cordes

    makes sense. alternatively we could also add a logger on trace level (very easy to do - just add a few lines in XML). reading this info in the UI is not going to be very informative. on the other hand if we trace everything log files could get very large after long runs.

  4. Desrever Nu reporter

    I agree, that is why verbose is optional and should be default to false, I do not expect custodians to set it to true

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