RC2 Poloniex nonce issues (again)

Issue #652 resolved
Sam Griffiths created an issue
19:44:31.779 INFO  - defined session path logs/session_1430419471777 - [c.n.n.l.MainLaunch]
19:44:31.824 INFO  - Running NuBot with GUI - [c.n.n.l.MainLaunch]
19:44:31.884 INFO  - start ui server. configfile /home/sammoth/projects/NuBot_releases/nubot-v0.3.0-RC1/sample-options.json - [c.n.n.w.UiServer]
19:44:31.885 INFO  - launching on http://localhost:4567 - [c.n.n.w.UiServer]
19:46:01.718 INFO  - bot start/stop  >> start - [c.n.n.w.BotController]
19:46:01.720 INFO  - testing if global options are valid - [c.n.n.w.BotController]
19:46:01.747 INFO  - trying to start bot - [c.n.n.w.BotController]
19:46:01.792 INFO  - *** session *** starting at 20150430 19:46:01 - [c.n.n.b.SessionManager]
19:46:01.799 INFO  - Setting up NuBot version : 0.3.0-RC1 - [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase]
19:46:01.800 WARN  - Trades will be executed - [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase]
19:46:01.801 INFO  - Session ID = 0.3.0-RC1|1430419561801|e724e8 - [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase]
19:46:01.804 INFO  - Set up SSL certificates - [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase]
19:46:01.805 INFO  - installKeystore. trustall: false - [c.n.n.u.Utils]
19:46:01.806 INFO  - Reading keystorefile from : /home/sammoth/projects/NuBot_releases/nubot-v0.3.0-RC1/res/ssl/nubot_keystore.jks - [c.n.n.u.Utils]
19:46:01.808 INFO  - setup Exchange object - [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase]
19:46:01.812 INFO  - Swapped pair mode : false - [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase]
19:46:01.817 INFO  - setting up tasks - [c.n.n.t.TaskManager]
19:46:01.825 INFO  - Setting up RPC client on - [c.n.n.t.TaskManager]
19:46:01.827 INFO  - Starting task : Check connection with Nud - [c.n.n.t.TaskManager]
19:46:01.828 INFO  - Started BotTask checkNud - [c.n.n.t.BotTask]
19:46:01.828 INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask - [c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask]
19:46:01.829 INFO  - BotTask [checkConnection] will start in 1s, and run it every 127s - [c.n.n.t.BotTask]
19:46:01.830 INFO  - Waiting a for the connectionThreads to detect connection - [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase]
19:46:02.000 ERROR - Nud RPC Connection problem:java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused - [c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient]
19:46:12.453 ERROR - nonce reset failed - [c.n.n.t.w.PoloniexWrapper]
19:46:12.453 ERROR - could not start bot com.nubits.nubot.bot.NuBotRunException: could not query exchange: [ ApiError [5 : Nonce must be greater than 9223372036854775807. You provided -9223372036854775803.] ] - [c.n.n.w.BotController]
19:46:12.454 INFO  - start bot success? false - [c.n.n.w.BotController]
19:46:31.828 INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask - [c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask]

also set "submitliquidity":false, in the conf file but still getting errors about nud connection

Comments (8)

  1. Desrever Nu

    see this before poloniex error :

    19:46:02.000 ERROR - Nud RPC Connection problem:java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused - [c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient]

    Can you try again with submitliqudity set to false or configure it properly?

  2. Sam Griffiths reporter

    I did. I may not have stopped and restarted the server correctly though. Will report back when I'm sure I have

  3. Desrever Nu

    any update on this @mj2p?

    I am moving this issue to next RC. Was my hypothesis correct about RPC?

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