Port the project to Gradle

Issue #69 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

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Comments (18)

  1. Benjamin Cordes

    Alternative can be: http://gradle.org Syntax is much simpler, and there are features which can be helpful for deployment, testing, etc.

  2. Benjamin Cordes

    I've added a feature/gradle branch to show how this could look like. Could be used for streaming service (can elaborate in detail).

  3. Benjamin Cordes

    Ok, the port went quicker than I thought. I can help setting things up with IDE etc. Basically the build.gradle is the same as build.xml for ant. Difference is it manages dependencies, like Maven does.

    Current build.gradle includes

    • dependency management
    • Junit test functionality

    More is added at the bottom, currently commented out, which shows which other things we might include later.

    Left todo is #172, i.e. moving 3 jars.

  4. Benjamin Cordes

    Ok, I found a better way to do all this.

    1. Gradle allows to import a ant build.xml. So now I will port so that gradle can be used with existing build.xml.
    2. Remove the Net-Beans specifics in build.xml.
    3. After that we can slowly move functionality without breaking anything. First with old dependencies.
    4. then the 2-3 new dependencies I have.
  5. Benjamin Cordes

    @desrever if you install gradle and checkout the latest develop, you can run gradle tasks to see all the ant tasks. This should work on your machine. It does not on mine, because I don't have net-beans. I'm testing with Netbeans 8.0.2 SE now.

    the build-impl contains a lot of tasks. we only have to port the 1-2 that are needed I think: clean, init, compile, jar, javadoc are the standard ones. All that boilerplate code (1000 LOC) shouldn't be needed. But as long as the gradle-ant import works it should be fine.

  6. Benjamin Cordes

    Ported everything as in ant. Only modification:

    • copy LICENSE.md and CHANGELOG.md into root of distribution
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