RC2 Can't startup peatio+GUI and bter no GUI

Issue #695 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue
18:17:21.878 [checkConnection] DEBUG - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckConnectionTask [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckConnectionTask:40]
18:17:22.880 [qtp215851537-30 - //localhost:4567/orders] DEBUG - /orders called [com.nubits.nubot.webui.LogController:64]
18:17:23.880 [qtp215851537-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] ERROR - The bot will not execute the query, there is no connection withpeatio [c.n.n.t.w.PeatioWrapper:545]
18:17:23.881 [qtp215851537-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] ERROR - could not start bot com.nubits.nubot.bot.NuBotRunException: could not query exchange: [ ApiError [3 : No Connection] ] [c.n.n.w.BotController:99]
18:17:23.881 [qtp215851537-22 - //localhost:4567/startstop] INFO  - start bot success? false [com.nubits.nubot.webui.BotController:107]
18:17:25.033 [checkConnection] DEBUG - Checking connection to -  Connected : true [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckConnectionTask:43]
18:17:30.817 [qtp215851537-28 - //localhost:4567/balances] DEBUG - /balances called [com.nubits.nubot.webui.LogController:99]

Comments (2)

  1. Desrever Nu reporter

    BTER no gui :

    18:25:29.152 [main] DEBUG - Wrap the keys into a new ApiKeys object [com.nubits.nubot.bot.NuBotBase:125]
    18:25:29.153 [main] DEBUG - Create e ExchangeLiveData object to accommodate liveData from the exchange [com.nubits.nubot.bot.NuBotBase:130]
    18:25:29.154 [main] DEBUG - get exchange interface for bter [com.nubits.nubot.exchanges.ExchangeFacade:140]
    18:25:29.157 [main] INFO  - Swapped pair mode : false [com.nubits.nubot.bot.NuBotBase:153]
    18:25:29.161 [main] ERROR - The bot will not execute the query, there is no connection withbter [c.n.n.t.w.BterWrapper:649]
    18:25:29.164 [main] DEBUG - Create a TaskManager  [com.nubits.nubot.bot.NuBotBase:222]
    18:25:29.187 [main] DEBUG - setting up tasks [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:98]
    18:25:29.193 [main] DEBUG - checkConnectionTask : com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@143640d5 [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:103]
    18:25:29.197 [main] DEBUG - sendLiquidityTask : com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@6295d394 [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:108]
    18:25:29.203 [main] DEBUG - strategyFiatTask : com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@475e586c [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:114]
    18:25:29.210 [main] DEBUG - secondaryPegTask : com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@657c8ad9 [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:119]
    18:25:29.217 [main] DEBUG - priceTriggerTask : com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@436a4e4b [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager:134]
    18:25:29.219 [main] DEBUG - Starting task : Check connection with exchange [com.nubits.nubot.bot.NuBotBase:231]
    18:25:29.220 [main] INFO  - BotTask [checkConnection] will start in 1s, and run it every 127s [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:63]
    18:25:29.222 [main] INFO  - Waiting a for the connectionThreads to detect connection [com.nubits.nubot.bot.NuBotBase:235]
    18:25:30.223 [checkConnection] DEBUG - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckConnectionTask [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckConnectionTask:40]
    18:25:32.225 [main] ERROR - The bot will not execute the query, there is no connection withbter [c.n.n.t.w.BterWrapper:649]
    18:25:32.227 [main] ERROR - could not launch bot com.nubits.nubot.bot.NuBotRunException: could not query exchange: [ ApiError [3 : No Connection] ] [SessionLOG:138]
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