RC3 - Buy orders not placed

Issue #702 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

ccedk, multiplecustodians

detailed log

 - [qtp352896628-421 - /config - c.n.n.w.ConfigController:50] 
2015-05-08 11:04:14,825 11:04:14.825 DEBUG - /configfile called - [qtp352896628-421 - /configfile - c.n.n.w.ConfigController:83] 
2015-05-08 11:04:14,834 11:04:14.834 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-421 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:04:14,835 11:04:14.835 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:04:14,835 11:04:14.835 DEBUG - Session Interrupted catch - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.b.SessionManager:298] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,790 11:04:19.790 DEBUG - /startstop called - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.w.BotController:60] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,790 11:04:19.790 INFO  - bot start/stop  >> start - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.w.BotController:75] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,791 11:04:19.791 INFO  - testing if global options are valid - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.w.BotController:82] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,791 11:04:19.791 INFO  - trying to start bot - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.w.BotController:93] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,791 11:04:19.791 DEBUG - set mode to starting - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.SessionManager:234] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,792 11:04:19.792 DEBUG - execute bot depending on defined strategy - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.SessionManager:150] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,792 11:04:19.792 DEBUG - creating secondary bot object - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.SessionManager:153] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,792 11:04:19.792 INFO  - *** session *** starting at 20150508 11:04:19 - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.SessionManager:113] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,793 11:04:19.793 INFO  - Setting up NuBot version : 0.3.0-RC3 - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:196] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,793 11:04:19.793 INFO  - Live mode : Trades will be executed - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:200] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,793 11:04:19.793 INFO  - Session ID = 0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6 - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:73] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,794 11:04:19.794 DEBUG - Logback used 'file:/Users/advanced/Desktop/nubot-v0.3.0-RC3/config/logging/logback.xml' as the configuration file. - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:97] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,794 11:04:19.794 INFO  - Set up SSL certificates - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:112] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,795 11:04:19.795 INFO  - installKeystore. trustall: false - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.u.Utils:390] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,795 11:04:19.795 INFO  - Reading keystorefile from : /Users/advanced/Desktop/nubot-v0.3.0-RC3/res/ssl/nubot_keystore.jks - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.u.Utils:405] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,796 11:04:19.796 DEBUG - setup Exchange object - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:123] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,796 11:04:19.796 DEBUG - Wrap the keys into a new ApiKeys object - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:125] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,796 11:04:19.796 DEBUG - Create e ExchangeLiveData object to accommodate liveData from the exchange - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:130] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,796 11:04:19.796 DEBUG - get exchange interface for ccedk - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.e.ExchangeFacade:140] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,797 11:04:19.797 INFO  - Swapped pair mode : false - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:153] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,797 11:04:19.797 DEBUG - Create a TaskManager  - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:210] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,798 11:04:19.798 DEBUG - setting up tasks - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:98] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,798 11:04:19.798 DEBUG - checkConnectionTask : com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@413880fd - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:103] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,798 11:04:19.798 DEBUG - sendLiquidityTask : com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@4545978b - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:108] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,799 11:04:19.799 DEBUG - strategyFiatTask : com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@882574a - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:114] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,799 11:04:19.799 DEBUG - secondaryPegTask : com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@2d7633cb - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:119] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,800 11:04:19.800 DEBUG - priceTriggerTask : com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@28cc71f0 - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:134] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,800 11:04:19.800 INFO  - Setting up RPC client on - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:65] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,801 11:04:19.801 INFO  - Starting task : Check connection with Nud - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:76] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,802 11:04:19.802 INFO  - Started BotTask checkNud - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:57] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,802 11:04:19.802 INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:37] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,802 11:04:19.802 DEBUG - Starting task : Check connection with exchange - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:219] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,802 11:04:19.802 INFO  - BotTask [checkConnection] will start in 1s, and run it every 127s - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:63] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,802 11:04:19.802 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"getinfo","id":"404a7327-73bb-4680-a0c9-d1d721a48fd5"} - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,803 11:04:19.803 INFO  - Waiting a for the connectionThreads to detect connection - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:223] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,803 11:04:19.803 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,876 11:04:19.876 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,877 11:04:19.877 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,877 11:04:19.877 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 415 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,877 11:04:19.877 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":{"version":"v1.0.1-beta","protocolversion":50000,"walletversion":1,"walletunit":"S","balance":16340958.0,"newmint":0.0,"stake":0.0,"parked":0.0,"blocks":323194,"moneysupply":1012909114.0,"connections":1,"proxy":"","ip":"","difficulty":1.02869386,"testnet":true,"keypoololdest":1414163323,"keypoolsize":101,"paytxfee":1.0,"errors":""},"error":null,"id":"404a7327-73bb-4680-a0c9-d1d721a48fd5"}
 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:04:19,878 11:04:19.878 INFO  - Nud is online @ - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:48] 
2015-05-08 11:04:20,803 11:04:20.803 DEBUG - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckConnectionTask - [checkConnection - c.n.n.t.CheckConnectionTask:40] 
2015-05-08 11:04:20,949 11:04:20.949 DEBUG - Checking connection to http://www.ccedk.com -  Connected : true - [checkConnection - c.n.n.t.CheckConnectionTask:43] 
2015-05-08 11:04:22,804 11:04:22.804 DEBUG - CCEDK uses global TX fee, currency pair not supported.now calling getTxFee() - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.w.CcedkWrapper:459] 
2015-05-08 11:04:23,173 11:04:23.173 INFO  - BotTask [sendLiquidity] will start in 40s, and run it every 130s - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:63] 
2015-05-08 11:04:23,173 11:04:23.173 INFO  - Nud RPC connection ok. - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:170] 
2015-05-08 11:04:23,174 11:04:23.174 INFO  - Start trading Strategy specific for nbtbtc - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:261] 
2015-05-08 11:04:23,175 11:04:23.175 INFO  - Options loaded : {"nudIp":"","submitLiquidity":true,"apiKey":"1PS581UD5VZ5JSUHLGOTP32K33P2B9EBMWJA3HVURRH12MF2PQ2K4G1BFXIX7I5T","distributeLiquidity":false,"nubitAddress":"bSBh4Kag9f1kSdsLhVRnnd1TuDwBMs4yPq","mainFeed":"btce","rpcUser":"rpctestuser","mailRecipient":"desrever.nu@gmail.com","maxBuyVolume":3.0,"maxSellVolume":21.0,"nudPort":9091,"backupFeeds":["coinbase","blockchain"],"priceIncrement":0.5,"rpcPass":"rpctestpassphras0r","apiSecret":"b910430q472qg2xc97gwu2dp5np8pj1szcn3b36zl9316yd87q8mjhi4q8m2qqeu","hipchat":false,"pair":"nbt_btc","mailnotifications":"ALL","verbose":true,"spread":100.0,"emergencyTimeout":60,"multipleCustodians":true,"txFee":0.2,"exchangeName":"ccedk","executeOrders":true,"wallchangeThreshold":0.05,"dualSide":true,"keepProceeds":0.0} - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:263] 
2015-05-08 11:04:23,175 11:04:23.175 INFO  - Configuring NuBot for Dual-Side strategy - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.s.S.NuBotSecondary:51] 
2015-05-08 11:04:23,176 11:04:23.176 INFO  - multiple custodians: true - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.s.S.NuBotSecondary:125] 
2015-05-08 11:04:23,618 11:04:23.618 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:04:23,619 11:04:23.619 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:04:23,754 11:04:23.754 WARN  - NuBot will start running in 96 seconds, to sync with remote NTP and place walls during next wall shift window. - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.s.S.NuBotSecondary:129] 
2015-05-08 11:04:23,754 11:04:23.754 INFO  - BotTask [priceTriggerTask] will start in 96s, and run it every 180s - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:63] 
2015-05-08 11:04:23,755 11:04:23.755 DEBUG - notify online A new <strong>dual-side</strong> bot just came online on ccedk pair (nbt_btc) - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:283] 
2015-05-08 11:04:23,755 11:04:23.755 INFO  - start bot success? true - [qtp352896628-421 - /startstop - c.n.n.w.BotController:107] 
2015-05-08 11:04:26,616 11:04:26.616 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-431 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:04:26,617 11:04:26.617 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-431 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:04:29,618 11:04:29.618 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:04:32,617 11:04:32.617 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:04:35,620 11:04:35.620 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:04:35,620 11:04:35.620 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:04:38,619 11:04:38.619 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-421 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:04:38,619 11:04:38.619 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-421 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:04:41,621 11:04:41.621 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-490 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:04:44,958 11:04:44.958 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-421 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:04:48,080 11:04:48.080 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-490 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:04:48,081 11:04:48.081 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-490 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:04:49,802 11:04:49.802 INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:37] 
2015-05-08 11:04:49,803 11:04:49.803 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"getinfo","id":"0e950a09-747a-433b-8bfc-556d1587067e"} - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:04:49,803 11:04:49.803 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:04:49,861 11:04:49.861 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:04:49,861 11:04:49.861 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:04:49,861 11:04:49.861 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 415 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:04:49,862 11:04:49.862 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":{"version":"v1.0.1-beta","protocolversion":50000,"walletversion":1,"walletunit":"S","balance":16340958.0,"newmint":0.0,"stake":0.0,"parked":0.0,"blocks":323194,"moneysupply":1012909114.0,"connections":1,"proxy":"","ip":"","difficulty":1.02869386,"testnet":true,"keypoololdest":1414163323,"keypoolsize":101,"paytxfee":1.0,"errors":""},"error":null,"id":"0e950a09-747a-433b-8bfc-556d1587067e"}
 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:04:49,862 11:04:49.862 INFO  - Nud is online @ - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:48] 
2015-05-08 11:04:52,223 11:04:52.223 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-431 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:04:52,224 11:04:52.224 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-431 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:04:55,216 11:04:55.216 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:04:59,211 11:04:59.211 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-490 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:05:01,785 11:05:01.785 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-421 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:05:01,785 11:05:01.785 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-421 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:05:03,173 11:05:03.173 DEBUG - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:127] 
2015-05-08 11:05:03,173 11:05:03.173 DEBUG - init files - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:73] 
2015-05-08 11:05:03,174 11:05:03.174 WARN  - Liquidity is not being sent : orders are not yet initialized - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:152] 
2015-05-08 11:05:05,781 11:05:05.781 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-431 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:05:05,782 11:05:05.782 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-431 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:05:08,900 11:05:08.900 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-431 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:05:12,790 11:05:12.790 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-431 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:05:15,859 11:05:15.859 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:05:15,860 11:05:15.860 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:05:19,802 11:05:19.802 INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:37] 
2015-05-08 11:05:19,802 11:05:19.802 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"getinfo","id":"d937f2d5-676d-4ffa-a5ff-ddcab873a04c"} - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:05:19,803 11:05:19.803 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:05:19,861 11:05:19.861 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:05:19,862 11:05:19.862 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:05:19,862 11:05:19.862 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 415 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:05:19,862 11:05:19.862 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":{"version":"v1.0.1-beta","protocolversion":50000,"walletversion":1,"walletunit":"S","balance":16340958.0,"newmint":0.0,"stake":0.0,"parked":0.0,"blocks":323194,"moneysupply":1012909114.0,"connections":1,"proxy":"","ip":"","difficulty":1.02869386,"testnet":true,"keypoololdest":1414163323,"keypoolsize":101,"paytxfee":1.0,"errors":""},"error":null,"id":"d937f2d5-676d-4ffa-a5ff-ddcab873a04c"}
 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:05:19,863 11:05:19.863 INFO  - Nud is online @ - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:48] 
2015-05-08 11:05:20,007 11:05:20.007 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-516 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:05:20,008 11:05:20.008 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-516 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:05:23,045 11:05:23.045 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-516 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:05:27,213 11:05:27.213 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:05:29,784 11:05:29.784 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-516 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:05:29,784 11:05:29.784 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-516 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:05:33,779 11:05:33.779 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:05:33,780 11:05:33.780 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:05:36,823 11:05:36.823 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-421 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:05:41,106 11:05:41.106 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:05:43,999 11:05:43.999 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:05:43,999 11:05:43.999 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:05:48,180 11:05:48.180 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-421 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:05:48,181 11:05:48.181 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-421 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:05:49,803 11:05:49.803 INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:37] 
2015-05-08 11:05:49,803 11:05:49.803 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"getinfo","id":"80e4547e-6a54-4cd2-941b-410fe9e0715d"} - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:05:49,803 11:05:49.803 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:05:49,862 11:05:49.862 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:05:49,862 11:05:49.862 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:05:49,862 11:05:49.862 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 415 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:05:49,863 11:05:49.863 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":{"version":"v1.0.1-beta","protocolversion":50000,"walletversion":1,"walletunit":"S","balance":16340958.0,"newmint":0.0,"stake":0.0,"parked":0.0,"blocks":323194,"moneysupply":1012909114.0,"connections":1,"proxy":"","ip":"","difficulty":1.02869386,"testnet":true,"keypoololdest":1414163323,"keypoolsize":101,"paytxfee":1.0,"errors":""},"error":null,"id":"80e4547e-6a54-4cd2-941b-410fe9e0715d"}
 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:05:49,863 11:05:49.863 INFO  - Nud is online @ - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:48] 
2015-05-08 11:05:50,020 11:05:50.020 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-431 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:05:54,181 11:05:54.181 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-516 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:05:56,860 11:05:56.860 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-516 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:05:56,860 11:05:56.860 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-516 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:05:59,755 11:05:59.755 DEBUG - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.PriceMonitorTriggerTask - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask:121] 
2015-05-08 11:05:59,755 11:05:59.755 INFO  - running PriceMonitorTrigger for first time - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask:124] 
2015-05-08 11:05:59,755 11:05:59.755 DEBUG - Executing task : PriceMonitorTriggerTask  - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask:144] 
2015-05-08 11:05:59,756 11:05:59.756 DEBUG - fetch last prices - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.p.PriceFeedManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:06:00,683 11:06:00.683 DEBUG - Obtained price : 237.5 from BtcePriceFeed - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.p.PriceFeedManager:73] 
2015-05-08 11:06:00,830 11:06:00.830 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:06:00,831 11:06:00.831 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:06:01,710 11:06:01.710 DEBUG - Obtained price : 237.84 from CoinbasePriceFeed - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.p.PriceFeedManager:73] 
2015-05-08 11:06:02,344 11:06:02.344 DEBUG - Obtained price : 236.86 from BlockchainPriceFeed - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.p.PriceFeedManager:73] 
2015-05-08 11:06:02,344 11:06:02.344 DEBUG - CheckLastPrice received values from remote feeds.  - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask:257] 
2015-05-08 11:06:02,345 11:06:02.345 INFO  - Price Updated. btce:1 BTC = 237.5 USD - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask:463] 
2015-05-08 11:06:02,345 11:06:02.345 DEBUG - CCEDK uses global TX fee, currency pair not supported.now calling getTxFee() - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.t.w.CcedkWrapper:459] 
2015-05-08 11:06:02,346 11:06:02.346 DEBUG - halfspread 50.0 - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask:191] 
2015-05-08 11:06:02,346 11:06:02.346 DEBUG - offset 0.5 - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask:192] 
2015-05-08 11:06:02,346 11:06:02.346 INFO  - Computing USD prices with spread 100.0%  : sell @ 1.502 buy @ 0.498 - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask:201] 
2015-05-08 11:06:02,347 11:06:02.347 INFO  - Converted price (using 1 BTC = 237.5 USD) : sell @ 0.00632421 BTC; buy @ 0.00209684 BTC - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.t.PriceMonitorTriggerTask:224] 
2015-05-08 11:06:02,347 11:06:02.347 INFO  - setBuyPricePEG : 0.00209684 - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:212] 
2015-05-08 11:06:02,347 11:06:02.347 INFO  - set setSellPricePEG : 0.00632421 - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:203] 
2015-05-08 11:06:02,348 11:06:02.348 INFO  - Started BotTask Strategy Crypto Task - [priceTriggerTask - c.n.n.t.BotTask:57] 
2015-05-08 11:06:02,348 11:06:02.348 DEBUG - Executing task on ccedk: StrategySecondaryPegTask. DualSide :  true - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:62] 
2015-05-08 11:06:02,348 11:06:02.348 INFO  - Initializing strategy - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:130] 
2015-05-08 11:06:02,348 11:06:02.348 INFO  - setting up ordermanager - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:131] 
2015-05-08 11:06:03,215 11:06:03.215 DEBUG - correct orders: false - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegUtils:339] 
2015-05-08 11:06:03,215 11:06:03.215 DEBUG - reInitiateOrders . firstTime=true - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegUtils:49] 
2015-05-08 11:06:03,507 11:06:03.507 DEBUG - Frozen funds already in balance (not proceeds) updated : 0.0 Currency{fiat=false, code=BTC, extendedName=Bitcoin} - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.u.FrozenBalancesManager:173] 
2015-05-08 11:06:03,507 11:06:03.507 DEBUG - init sell orders. price: 0.00632421 - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegUtils:136] 
2015-05-08 11:06:03,507 11:06:03.507 INFO  - initOrders SELL, price 0.00632421 - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegUtils:182] 
2015-05-08 11:06:03,783 11:06:03.783 DEBUG - CCEDK uses global TX fee, currency pair not supported.now calling getTxFee() - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.t.w.CcedkWrapper:459] 
2015-05-08 11:06:03,783 11:06:03.783 DEBUG - balance 30.02938201 NBT
 maxBuy 3.0. maxSell 21.0 - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegUtils:221] 
2015-05-08 11:06:03,784 11:06:03.784 DEBUG - amount1: 15.014691 . balance 30.02938201 - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegUtils:228] 
2015-05-08 11:06:03,784 11:06:03.784 WARN  - Submitting limit order : SELL side order :  SELL 10.5 NBT @ 0.00632421 BTC - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:255] 
2015-05-08 11:06:03,784 11:06:03.784 INFO  - executeSellsideOrder : nbtbtc 10.5 0.00632421 - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:209] 
2015-05-08 11:06:03,861 11:06:03.861 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-431 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:06:04,144 11:06:04.144 INFO  - Strategy - Order success: SELL Response = 557079 - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:273] 
2015-05-08 11:06:04,144 11:06:04.144 DEBUG - order #1 - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:275] 
2015-05-08 11:06:08,214 11:06:08.214 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-431 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:06:09,424 11:06:09.424 WARN  - Submitting limit order : SELL side order :  SELL 10.5 NBT @ 0.00632421 BTC - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:255] 
2015-05-08 11:06:09,424 11:06:09.424 INFO  - executeSellsideOrder : nbtbtc 10.5 0.00632421 - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:209] 
2015-05-08 11:06:09,738 11:06:09.738 INFO  - Strategy - Order success: SELL Response = 557082 - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:273] 
2015-05-08 11:06:09,739 11:06:09.739 DEBUG - order #2 - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:275] 
2015-05-08 11:06:09,739 11:06:09.739 DEBUG - init buy orders. price: 0.00209684 - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegUtils:142] 
2015-05-08 11:06:09,739 11:06:09.739 INFO  - initOrders BUY, price 0.00209684 - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegUtils:182] 
2015-05-08 11:06:10,001 11:06:10.001 INFO  - No need to execute BUYorders : available balance < 1 BTC (1 NBT equivalent).  Balance : 0.00840513 - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegUtils:208] 
2015-05-08 11:06:10,002 11:06:10.002 INFO  - Strategy initialization completed - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegUtils:149] 
2015-05-08 11:06:10,944 11:06:10.944 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:06:14,849 11:06:14.849 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:06:14,850 11:06:14.850 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:06:18,025 11:06:18.025 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:06:18,025 11:06:18.025 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:06:19,802 11:06:19.802 INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:37] 
2015-05-08 11:06:19,802 11:06:19.802 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"getinfo","id":"4f7a0f47-e17d-4456-ac20-2568030f3baf"} - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:06:19,803 11:06:19.803 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:06:19,860 11:06:19.860 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:06:19,860 11:06:19.860 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:06:19,860 11:06:19.860 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 415 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:06:19,861 11:06:19.861 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":{"version":"v1.0.1-beta","protocolversion":50000,"walletversion":1,"walletunit":"S","balance":16340958.0,"newmint":0.0,"stake":0.0,"parked":0.0,"blocks":323194,"moneysupply":1012909114.0,"connections":1,"proxy":"","ip":"","difficulty":1.02869386,"testnet":true,"keypoololdest":1414163323,"keypoolsize":101,"paytxfee":1.0,"errors":""},"error":null,"id":"4f7a0f47-e17d-4456-ac20-2568030f3baf"}
 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:06:19,861 11:06:19.861 INFO  - Nud is online @ - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:48] 
2015-05-08 11:06:22,085 11:06:22.085 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:06:24,991 11:06:24.991 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:06:27,803 11:06:27.803 DEBUG - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckConnectionTask - [checkConnection - c.n.n.t.CheckConnectionTask:40] 
2015-05-08 11:06:27,861 11:06:27.861 DEBUG - Checking connection to http://www.ccedk.com -  Connected : true - [checkConnection - c.n.n.t.CheckConnectionTask:43] 
2015-05-08 11:06:29,209 11:06:29.209 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-553 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:06:29,209 11:06:29.209 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-553 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:06:31,990 11:06:31.990 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:06:31,991 11:06:31.991 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:06:36,208 11:06:36.208 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-421 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:06:38,779 11:06:38.779 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-553 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:06:42,779 11:06:42.779 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-421 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:06:42,779 11:06:42.779 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-421 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:06:43,348 11:06:43.348 DEBUG - Executing task on ccedk: StrategySecondaryPegTask. DualSide :  true - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:62] 
2015-05-08 11:06:43,348 11:06:43.348 DEBUG - adapt orders - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:75] 
2015-05-08 11:06:45,912 11:06:45.912 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:06:45,912 11:06:45.912 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:06:49,802 11:06:49.802 INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:37] 
2015-05-08 11:06:49,803 11:06:49.803 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"getinfo","id":"3d9b5198-cca2-4a5f-b412-0b32b701e9f6"} - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:06:49,803 11:06:49.803 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:06:49,859 11:06:49.859 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:06:49,860 11:06:49.860 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:06:49,860 11:06:49.860 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 415 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:06:49,860 11:06:49.860 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":{"version":"v1.0.1-beta","protocolversion":50000,"walletversion":1,"walletunit":"S","balance":16340958.0,"newmint":0.0,"stake":0.0,"parked":0.0,"blocks":323194,"moneysupply":1012909114.0,"connections":1,"proxy":"","ip":"","difficulty":1.02869386,"testnet":true,"keypoololdest":1414163323,"keypoolsize":101,"paytxfee":1.0,"errors":""},"error":null,"id":"3d9b5198-cca2-4a5f-b412-0b32b701e9f6"}
 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:06:49,860 11:06:49.860 INFO  - Nud is online @ - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:48] 
2015-05-08 11:06:50,069 11:06:50.069 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:06:52,762 11:06:52.762 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-431 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:06:56,795 11:06:56.795 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-553 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:06:56,795 11:06:56.795 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-553 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:06:59,118 11:06:59.118 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:06:59,118 11:06:59.118 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:07:03,808 11:07:03.808 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-553 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:07:05,552 11:07:05.552 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:07:09,809 11:07:09.809 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-421 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:07:09,810 11:07:09.810 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-421 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:07:11,553 11:07:11.553 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:07:11,553 11:07:11.553 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,173 11:07:13.173 DEBUG - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:127] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,484 11:07:13.484 DEBUG - Active orders : 2 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:171] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,485 11:07:13.485 DEBUG - order: 557079 : { sell 10.5@0.00632421}  - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:176] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,485 11:07:13.485 DEBUG - order: 557082 : { sell 10.5@0.00632421}  - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:176] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,485 11:07:13.485 INFO  - ccedkOLD NBTonbuy  : 0 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:182] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,485 11:07:13.485 INFO  - ccedkOLD NBTonsell  : 0 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:183] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,485 11:07:13.485 INFO  - Order{id=557079, insertedDate=Fri May 08 08:06:03 CEST 2015, executedDate=null, type=sell, pair=nbtbtc, amount=10.5 NBT
, price=0.00632421 BTC
, amountPlusFee=null, completed=false} - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:196] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,486 11:07:13.486 INFO  - Order{id=557082, insertedDate=Fri May 08 08:06:09 CEST 2015, executedDate=null, type=sell, pair=nbtbtc, amount=10.5 NBT
, price=0.00632421 BTC
, amountPlusFee=null, completed=false} - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:196] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,487 11:07:13.487 INFO  - ccedkUpdated NBTonbuy  : 0 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:282] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,487 11:07:13.487 INFO  - ccedkUpdated NBTonsell  : 21 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:283] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,487 11:07:13.487 DEBUG - liquidity identifier = 1:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:323] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,487 11:07:13.487 DEBUG - RPC parameters [B, 0.0, 21.0, bSBh4Kag9f1kSdsLhVRnnd1TuDwBMs4yPq, 1:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6] - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:97] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,488 11:07:13.488 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"liquidityinfo","id":"cbcd3443-83ea-4d65-a909-5edfa1abffd5","params":["B",0.0,21.0,"bSBh4Kag9f1kSdsLhVRnnd1TuDwBMs4yPq","1:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6"]} - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,488 11:07:13.488 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,494 11:07:13.494 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,495 11:07:13.495 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,495 11:07:13.495 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 71 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,495 11:07:13.495 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":"","error":null,"id":"cbcd3443-83ea-4d65-a909-5edfa1abffd5"}
 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,496 11:07:13.496 DEBUG - RPC : Liquidity info submitted correctly. - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:104] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,496 11:07:13.496 DEBUG - liquidity identifier = 1:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:323] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,496 11:07:13.496 DEBUG - {"submitted":true} - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:401] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,496 11:07:13.496 DEBUG - RPC Liquidityinfo sent :  buyside : 0.0 sellside : 21.0 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:403] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,497 11:07:13.497 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"getliquidityinfo","id":"3183037d-c3ed-4b58-9255-73ccc846f33c","params":["B"]} - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,497 11:07:13.497 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,502 11:07:13.502 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,502 11:07:13.502 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,502 11:07:13.502 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 329 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,503 11:07:13.503 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":{"bL5AmRyuCtABdFxBimffSJgaWXUo82254e":{"buy":10020040.08,"sell":9651.2376},"bSBh4Kag9f1kSdsLhVRnnd1TuDwBMs4yPq":{"buy":0.0,"sell":21.0},"bagUeqm5dgkU9QTCpuZqtvNLtJnqX5SoJw":{"buy":957605.7468,"sell":380850.156},"total":{"buy":10977645.8268,"sell":390522.3936}},"error":null,"id":"3183037d-c3ed-4b58-9255-73ccc846f33c"}
 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,503 11:07:13.503 INFO  - getliquidityinfo result :  - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:408] 
2015-05-08 11:07:13,503 11:07:13.503 INFO  - {"total":{"buy":1.09776458268E7,"sell":390522.3936},"bSBh4Kag9f1kSdsLhVRnnd1TuDwBMs4yPq":{"buy":0.0,"sell":21.0},"bL5AmRyuCtABdFxBimffSJgaWXUo82254e":{"buy":1.002004008E7,"sell":9651.2376},"bagUeqm5dgkU9QTCpuZqtvNLtJnqX5SoJw":{"buy":957605.7468,"sell":380850.156}} - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:409] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,077 11:07:14.077 DEBUG - liquidity identifier = 2:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:323] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,077 11:07:14.077 DEBUG - RPC parameters [B, 2.0, 9.02938201, bSBh4Kag9f1kSdsLhVRnnd1TuDwBMs4yPq, 2:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6] - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:97] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,077 11:07:14.077 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"liquidityinfo","id":"9dcb2e93-31ea-422a-896b-3f1caa056feb","params":["B",2.0,9.02938201,"bSBh4Kag9f1kSdsLhVRnnd1TuDwBMs4yPq","2:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6"]} - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,078 11:07:14.078 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,084 11:07:14.084 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,085 11:07:14.085 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,085 11:07:14.085 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 71 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,085 11:07:14.085 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":"","error":null,"id":"9dcb2e93-31ea-422a-896b-3f1caa056feb"}
 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,085 11:07:14.085 DEBUG - RPC : Liquidity info submitted correctly. - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:104] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,086 11:07:14.086 DEBUG - liquidity identifier = 2:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:323] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,086 11:07:14.086 DEBUG - {"submitted":true} - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:401] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,086 11:07:14.086 DEBUG - RPC Liquidityinfo sent :  buyside : 2.0 sellside : 9.02938201 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:403] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,086 11:07:14.086 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"getliquidityinfo","id":"5a7bfdcc-b312-437e-80c2-89bff84cc9ed","params":["B"]} - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,086 11:07:14.086 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,091 11:07:14.091 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,091 11:07:14.091 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,091 11:07:14.091 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 331 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,092 11:07:14.092 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":{"bL5AmRyuCtABdFxBimffSJgaWXUo82254e":{"buy":10020040.08,"sell":9651.2376},"bSBh4Kag9f1kSdsLhVRnnd1TuDwBMs4yPq":{"buy":2.0,"sell":30.0294},"bagUeqm5dgkU9QTCpuZqtvNLtJnqX5SoJw":{"buy":957605.7468,"sell":380850.156},"total":{"buy":10977647.8268,"sell":390531.423}},"error":null,"id":"5a7bfdcc-b312-437e-80c2-89bff84cc9ed"}
 - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,092 11:07:14.092 INFO  - getliquidityinfo result :  - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:408] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,092 11:07:14.092 INFO  - {"total":{"buy":1.09776478268E7,"sell":390531.423},"bSBh4Kag9f1kSdsLhVRnnd1TuDwBMs4yPq":{"buy":2.0,"sell":30.0294},"bL5AmRyuCtABdFxBimffSJgaWXUo82254e":{"buy":1.002004008E7,"sell":9651.2376},"bagUeqm5dgkU9QTCpuZqtvNLtJnqX5SoJw":{"buy":957605.7468,"sell":380850.156}} - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:409] 
2015-05-08 11:07:14,092 11:07:14.092 INFO  - Liquidity info submitted:
    tier=1 buy=0.0 sell=21.0 identifier=1:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6 response={"submitted":true}
    tier=2 buy=2.0 sell=9.02938201 identifier=2:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6 response={"submitted":true} - [sendLiquidity - c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:149] 
2015-05-08 11:07:15,811 11:07:15.811 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-575 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:07:17,555 11:07:17.555 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-553 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:07:19,802 11:07:19.802 INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:37] 
2015-05-08 11:07:19,802 11:07:19.802 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"getinfo","id":"88561dbb-84f6-4cf6-a99e-70b6db4d7a4d"} - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:07:19,802 11:07:19.802 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:07:19,862 11:07:19.862 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:07:19,863 11:07:19.863 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:07:19,863 11:07:19.863 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 415 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:07:19,863 11:07:19.863 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":{"version":"v1.0.1-beta","protocolversion":50000,"walletversion":1,"walletunit":"S","balance":16340958.0,"newmint":0.0,"stake":0.0,"parked":0.0,"blocks":323194,"moneysupply":1012909114.0,"connections":1,"proxy":"","ip":"","difficulty":1.02869386,"testnet":true,"keypoololdest":1414163323,"keypoolsize":101,"paytxfee":1.0,"errors":""},"error":null,"id":"88561dbb-84f6-4cf6-a99e-70b6db4d7a4d"}
 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:07:19,864 11:07:19.864 INFO  - Nud is online @ - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:48] 
2015-05-08 11:07:21,811 11:07:21.811 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-553 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:07:21,812 11:07:21.812 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-553 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:07:23,558 11:07:23.558 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-575 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:07:23,558 11:07:23.558 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-575 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:07:24,348 11:07:24.348 DEBUG - Executing task on ccedk: StrategySecondaryPegTask. DualSide :  true - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:62] 
2015-05-08 11:07:24,348 11:07:24.348 DEBUG - adapt orders - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:75] 
2015-05-08 11:07:27,813 11:07:27.813 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-421 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:07:29,561 11:07:29.561 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-338 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:07:33,814 11:07:33.814 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:07:33,814 11:07:33.814 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:07:35,562 11:07:35.562 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-421 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:07:35,562 11:07:35.562 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-421 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:07:39,815 11:07:39.815 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-553 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:07:41,563 11:07:41.563 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-575 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:07:45,817 11:07:45.817 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-553 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:07:45,818 11:07:45.818 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-553 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:07:47,564 11:07:47.564 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-575 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:07:47,565 11:07:47.565 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-575 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:07:48,317 11:07:48.317 DEBUG - /configfile called - [qtp352896628-338 - /configfile - c.n.n.w.ConfigController:83] 
2015-05-08 11:07:48,322 11:07:48.322 DEBUG - GET /config called - [qtp352896628-553 - /config - c.n.n.w.ConfigController:92] 
2015-05-08 11:07:49,802 11:07:49.802 INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:37] 
2015-05-08 11:07:49,802 11:07:49.802 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"getinfo","id":"49498a53-453d-4149-926c-e875732a1f61"} - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:07:49,803 11:07:49.803 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:07:49,866 11:07:49.866 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:07:49,866 11:07:49.866 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:07:49,866 11:07:49.866 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 415 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:07:49,868 11:07:49.868 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":{"version":"v1.0.1-beta","protocolversion":50000,"walletversion":1,"walletunit":"S","balance":16340958.0,"newmint":0.0,"stake":0.0,"parked":0.0,"blocks":323194,"moneysupply":1012909114.0,"connections":1,"proxy":"","ip":"","difficulty":1.02869386,"testnet":true,"keypoololdest":1414163323,"keypoolsize":101,"paytxfee":1.0,"errors":""},"error":null,"id":"49498a53-453d-4149-926c-e875732a1f61"}
 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:07:49,868 11:07:49.868 INFO  - Nud is online @ - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:48] 
2015-05-08 11:07:51,769 11:07:51.769 DEBUG - /configfile called - [qtp352896628-575 - /configfile - c.n.n.w.ConfigController:83] 
2015-05-08 11:07:51,780 11:07:51.780 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:07:51,780 11:07:51.780 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-575 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:07:58,939 11:07:58.939 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-553 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:07:58,939 11:07:58.939 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-553 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:08:01,962 11:08:01.962 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-553 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:08:01,962 11:08:01.962 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-553 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:08:05,348 11:08:05.348 DEBUG - Executing task on ccedk: StrategySecondaryPegTask. DualSide :  true - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:62] 
2015-05-08 11:08:05,349 11:08:05.349 DEBUG - adapt orders - [Strategy Crypto Task - c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:75] 
2015-05-08 11:08:05,863 11:08:05.863 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-553 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:08:08,778 11:08:08.778 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-575 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:08:12,830 11:08:12.830 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-575 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:08:12,830 11:08:12.830 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-575 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:08:15,818 11:08:15.818 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:08:15,819 11:08:15.819 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:08:19,052 11:08:19.052 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-608 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:08:19,802 11:08:19.802 INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:37] 
2015-05-08 11:08:19,803 11:08:19.803 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"getinfo","id":"5aac8a04-5bb4-4819-bc06-4df6dc5086f6"} - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:08:19,803 11:08:19.803 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:08:19,865 11:08:19.865 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:08:19,865 11:08:19.865 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:08:19,866 11:08:19.866 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 415 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:08:19,866 11:08:19.866 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":{"version":"v1.0.1-beta","protocolversion":50000,"walletversion":1,"walletunit":"S","balance":16340958.0,"newmint":0.0,"stake":0.0,"parked":0.0,"blocks":323194,"moneysupply":1012909114.0,"connections":1,"proxy":"","ip":"","difficulty":1.02869386,"testnet":true,"keypoololdest":1414163323,"keypoolsize":101,"paytxfee":1.0,"errors":""},"error":null,"id":"5aac8a04-5bb4-4819-bc06-4df6dc5086f6"}
 - [checkNud - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:08:19,866 11:08:19.866 INFO  - Nud is online @ - [checkNud - c.n.n.t.CheckNudTask:48] 
2015-05-08 11:08:21,820 11:08:21.820 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-553 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:08:25,054 11:08:25.054 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-553 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:08:25,054 11:08:25.054 DEBUG - Fetching active orders ... - [qtp352896628-553 - /orders - c.n.n.s.OrderManager:370] 
2015-05-08 11:08:27,822 11:08:27.822 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 
2015-05-08 11:08:27,823 11:08:27.823 DEBUG - Fetching balances ... - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.s.BalanceManager:62] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,128 11:08:32.128 DEBUG - /startstop called - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.w.BotController:60] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,128 11:08:32.128 INFO  - bot start/stop  >> stop - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.w.BotController:75] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,128 11:08:32.128 INFO  - try interrupt bot. set halting mode - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.w.BotController:130] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,129 11:08:32.129 DEBUG - set mode to halting - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.SessionManager:239] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,129 11:08:32.129 INFO  - Bot shutting down sequence started. - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:308] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,129 11:08:32.129 INFO  - try to shutdown all tasks - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:315] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,129 11:08:32.129 INFO  - Stopping all BotTasks.  - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:148] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,129 11:08:32.129 DEBUG - Shutting down checkConnection (CheckConnectionTask) - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:154] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,130 11:08:32.130 DEBUG - Stopping checkConnection (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@413880fd) - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:69] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,130 11:08:32.130 INFO  - Stopped BotTask checkConnection - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:74] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,130 11:08:32.130 DEBUG - Shutting down sendLiquidity (SubmitLiquidityinfoTask) - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:154] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,131 11:08:32.131 DEBUG - Stopping sendLiquidity (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@4545978b) - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:69] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,131 11:08:32.131 INFO  - Stopped BotTask sendLiquidity - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:74] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,131 11:08:32.131 DEBUG - Shutting down Strategy Fiat Task (StrategyPrimaryPegTask) - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:154] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,131 11:08:32.131 DEBUG - Stopping Strategy Fiat Task (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@882574a) - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:69] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,131 11:08:32.131 INFO  - Stopped BotTask Strategy Fiat Task - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:74] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,132 11:08:32.132 DEBUG - Shutting down Strategy Crypto Task (StrategySecondaryPegTask) - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:154] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,132 11:08:32.132 DEBUG - Stopping Strategy Crypto Task (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@2d7633cb) - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:69] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,132 11:08:32.132 INFO  - Stopped BotTask Strategy Crypto Task - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:74] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,133 11:08:32.133 DEBUG - Shutting down priceTriggerTask (PriceMonitorTriggerTask) - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:154] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,133 11:08:32.133 DEBUG - Stopping priceTriggerTask (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@28cc71f0) - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:69] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,133 11:08:32.133 INFO  - Stopped BotTask priceTriggerTask - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:74] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,133 11:08:32.133 DEBUG - Shutting down checkNud (CheckNudTask) - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:154] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,134 11:08:32.134 DEBUG - Stopping checkNud (com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask@1fa44f31) - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:69] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,134 11:08:32.134 INFO  - Stopped BotTask checkNud - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.BotTask:74] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,134 11:08:32.134 INFO  - BotTasks stopped.  - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.t.TaskManager:162] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,135 11:08:32.135 INFO  - Clearing out active orders ...  - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:326] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,483 11:08:32.483 DEBUG - /orders called - [qtp352896628-575 - /orders - c.n.n.w.LogController:64] 
2015-05-08 11:08:32,483 11:08:32.483 DEBUG - Session Interrupted catch - [qtp352896628-575 - /orders - c.n.n.b.SessionManager:298] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,038 11:08:33.038 INFO  - Order clear request successful - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:333] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,038 11:08:33.038 INFO  - Resetting Liquidity Info before quit - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:346] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,038 11:08:33.038 DEBUG - liquidity identifier = 1:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6 - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:323] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,039 11:08:33.039 DEBUG - RPC parameters [B, 0.0, 0.0, bSBh4Kag9f1kSdsLhVRnnd1TuDwBMs4yPq, 1:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6] - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:97] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,039 11:08:33.039 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"liquidityinfo","id":"66e7ad62-db73-4cee-9395-bcc6a95cbdd3","params":["B",0.0,0.0,"bSBh4Kag9f1kSdsLhVRnnd1TuDwBMs4yPq","1:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6"]} - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,039 11:08:33.039 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,045 11:08:33.045 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,046 11:08:33.046 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,046 11:08:33.046 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 71 - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,046 11:08:33.046 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":"","error":null,"id":"66e7ad62-db73-4cee-9395-bcc6a95cbdd3"}
 - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,047 11:08:33.047 DEBUG - RPC : Liquidity info submitted correctly. - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:104] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,047 11:08:33.047 DEBUG - {"submitted":true} - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:353] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,047 11:08:33.047 DEBUG - liquidity identifier = 2:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6 - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:323] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,047 11:08:33.047 DEBUG - RPC parameters [B, 0.0, 0.0, bSBh4Kag9f1kSdsLhVRnnd1TuDwBMs4yPq, 2:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6] - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:97] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,047 11:08:33.047 INFO  - RPC : {"method":"liquidityinfo","id":"57c70798-88b8-450d-8316-1f3b136a58f3","params":["B",0.0,0.0,"bSBh4Kag9f1kSdsLhVRnnd1TuDwBMs4yPq","2:NBTBTC:ccedk:0.3.0-RC3|1431075859793|493bc6"]} - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:273] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,048 11:08:33.048 INFO  - RPC executing request :POST HTTP/1.1 - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:279] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,054 11:08:33.054 INFO  - RPC---------------------------------------- - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:285] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,054 11:08:33.054 INFO  - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:286] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,054 11:08:33.054 INFO  - RPC : Response content length: 118 - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:289] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,055 11:08:33.055 DEBUG - Entity = {"result":null,"error":{"code":-1,"message":"Failed to process info.\n"},"id":"57c70798-88b8-450d-8316-1f3b136a58f3"}
 - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:294] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,055 11:08:33.055 DEBUG - RPC : Liquidity info submitted correctly. - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.R.NuRPCClient:104] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,055 11:08:33.055 DEBUG - {"submitted":true} - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:361] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,055 11:08:33.055 INFO  - Logs of this session saved in logs/session_1431075115786 - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:367] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,055 11:08:33.055 DEBUG - set mode to halted - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.SessionManager:245] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,056 11:08:33.056 INFO  - ** end of the session ** - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:370] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,056 11:08:33.056 INFO  - session statistics - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:289] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,056 11:08:33.056 INFO  - totalOrdersSubmitted 2 - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:291] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,056 11:08:33.056 INFO  - after 0 hours 4 minutes 13 seconds uptime on ccedk [nbt_btc] - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:300] 
2015-05-08 11:08:33,057 11:08:33.057 DEBUG - startup duration [msec]: 7248 - [qtp352896628-338 - /startstop - c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:303] 
2015-05-08 11:08:35,253 11:08:35.253 DEBUG - /balances called - [qtp352896628-338 - /balances - c.n.n.w.LogController:99] 

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