Make orderbook-related settings configurable via option.json file

Issue #807 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

The user need to be able to configure parameters related to the orderbook model and its dynamic.

The parameters include, and are not limited to, the orderbook-specific setting as described here.

Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 12.23.49.png




Comments (6)

  1. Desrever Nu reporter

    Need to add a whole bunch of Parameters and their default value

     "bookDisabletier2": true,
      "bookSellwall": 2.0,
      "bookSellOffset": 0,
      "bookSellInterval": 0,
      "bookSellType" : "lin",
      "bookSellSteepness" : "mid",
      "bookBuyOffset": 0,
      "bookBuywall": 21.0,
      "bookBuyInterval": 0,
      "bookBuyType" : "lin",
      "bookBuySteepness" : "mid",
  2. Desrever Nu reporter

    I am adding a "preview orderbook" functionality in the guy , or will be very hard for users to understand how changes affect their book

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